We believe that there are three components needed to effectively carry our our mission of:

being a family of believers under the leadership of Christ who demonstrate the passionate love of God to the world through ministries that God leads us to be involved in.

In order to accomplish this mission, we need to do the following three things:

First, we need to exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in everything we say and do.
  • Colossians 1: 15-20
  • John 3: 14-15

  • Second, we need to edify the followers of the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • 2 Peter 1: 3-15
  • Ephesians 4: 11-16
  • Romans 12:2
  • Finally, we need to evangelize the lost.

  • 2 Corinthians 5: 16-20
  • Matthew 28: 18-20
  • If Agape Family Ministries commits to these three concepts, then the results will be that:

    Souls will be saved
    Lives will be changed
    A community will be affected by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ

    Copyright © 2000 Rev. Jim Weihrauch, Pastor
    Harmony Otahal, Designer