An open heart is something that causes miracles.  There are layers and dimensions  that Love uses to heal and care for humanity.  By raising your own focus to the Divine realities you can manifest a healing and wholeness for yourself.  Sharing angelic awareness with another increases the loving frequencies by giving each of you a place to interact in Love.  Open your Heart to the Angels!
Harmony has painted Angels in sacred space for almost 20 years as a Guardian Angel for an actual person.  They have both a celestial and a terrestrial focus and anchor.  By thinking in vertical terms it is easy to see this heavenly connection.  Because this effort is an actual real-time spiritual endeavor to add loving frequencies to our planet, the angelic-human connection is being continually created and revealed.  These paintings and their human counterparts are providing a beautiful example of Divine interaction.  Creating a place in Love where we can all meet and enjoy the blessings of the Light.
Earth is but a small planet in the whole universal scheme of things, but we are receiving great amounts of love and care from our Divine Source through Christ.  We are unique in the universe and much interest is being given to us, both by high and low frequencies.  The key is to use the tools that will help you balance the information you are receiving.  All of humanity is receiving vast amounts of  information daily on many dimensional levels.  The attunement to the Angelic realms an awakening process.  It is a cellular interaction. 

Humanity is connected to the higher frequencies of angelic life through our DNA structure.  When one human being comes to an awakening in their spiritual self it has a domino effect and others can also choose to come to this new insight.   Think in holographic terms for a moment.  When a new seed of information is opened within the DNA spiral it creates effects on the physical plane of existence.  This holographic, or light image, can be duplicated and radiated out for others to receive according to their level of awareness and ability to absorb the information and act upon it.  Information  must be integrated within the physical life for it to be valuable on the physical plane.  Since our physical Universe is in a spiral pattern, if we attune ourselves to a spiraling action it will speed our upliftment.   The whirling dervishes really are practicing higher level awareness with their dances. This is available information,  but that does not mean that it is information that is easily accessed.  DNA connection to spirit exists.  It exists in the spiraling action and structure of the DNA and the Universe itself.  Check the astronomy books for a picture of a galaxy.  The spiral acts as the bridge between our two worlds. 
ArchBlessing Angels

The trigger angel that brings to balance your inner world with an AngelWork Process. Ancient symbols, sacred geometry, ancient, sacred places can all guide you to the AngelWork.

Overlighting Angels

Begin the process of opening to higher frequencies with loving gentleness and beautiful created sacred space.  Allow yourself to bless your unfoldment and understand the frequency statements the angels are making with the paintings.

Awakener Angels

Annoints your soul with the passion and strength to remember who you are and move into your AngelWork.  Awakener angels contain a coded hologram that activates the frequency of the angelic realm in our DNA.  These angels help to open your extended viewing abilities naturally and gently.

Guardian Angels

Sustains and holds the space for your continued work in the higher frequencies.  Requesting their assistance brings an immediate response of protection and clearing.

Comforter/Companion Angels

The Divine Comforter/Companion Angels of the Holy Spirit let us know when we are resonating to the higher frequencies by giving us their companionship.  Helps us to rest and accept our extended viewing abilitities with love and hope.  Your Companion Angel brings friendship and fellowship qualities to help you Know that celestion vision - which is divinely protected clairvoyance - can grow and is part of who we are as a multi-dimensional human beings.

Healer Angels

Assists one in transitions, nurturing, inspiration, preparation, holding a space for a heart to open to more love is a healer's task.  Allows for far reaching memory to unfold.

Anchor Angels

Guides prayers, requests, and guidance abilities, assists one in understanding fixed communication, anchoring a space (physical, mental or spiritual) for understanding and insight.  Creates a soul foundation to work from.

Pathway Angels

Opens doorways, creates newness, shifting guidance to new frequencies, assistance in next stepps to understanding how to manifest more love.  Physically causes neural movement in one's brain.

Radiant Angels

Brings star flames, seed thoughts, change, transitions, birth, teachers, new communication.  Wisdom manifested in higher understanding,.  Assists one who is ready to Be the lessons and teaches one to radiate them to the world for the highest good of all.

Blessing Angels

Seals your prayers with love and light for the highest good and reaffirms your direct line to Divine Love, the Source of All our blessings and light.  Releases your AngelWork to the world!

The sequential order of ArchBlessing, Overlighting, Awakener, Guardian, Comforter/Companion, Healer, Anchor, Pathway, Radiant and Blessing Angels is important as this helps us understand our life experiences.  As families are linked together so is the process of attuning ourselves.  It gives one steps to follow in creating inner sacred space.  Each angel can be placed in any family to overlay the general Arc.    You can place a cup type arc or a rainbow type arc.  When blended together they say to us...
As Above - So Below.  A completed circle.

As Above, So Below
The Temple of Communion
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