Breethles Members!!!

Welcome to the official page of the Breethles! The Breethles is a group of 14 young and talented teens who have bonded together and have formed what is perhaps the most versatile group in the country today. It is composed of people from the different portals of the universe. It has a rare breed of members composed of supergeniuses, basketball and volleyball players, computer hackers, rockers, cute guys, goons, and of course, the coolest guys you could ever meet. The group is still rather new, but it has a very interesting history...

The group didn't actually start as the Breethles. It started from a group of high school freshmen who were then just called a "barkada", or peer group. There were only about seven members then, and they didn't really plan on forming a big group. It grew larger every year and reached its peak during their fourth year. There were already 15 members and no one still thought of giving it a name. Then one incident happened that changed the entire fate of the group.

There was this one member who had some sort of attitude problem. Most of the group was so sick of having him that they decided to let him go. Fortunately, that guy was intellectual enough to keep his distance. Then one idea popped out from the minds of the members. "Why don't we give ourselves a name?" And so the name search started. Names here, names there... so many suggestions were received, but the group finally agreed on the name "Friends." Simple, heh? But of course it wasn't really "Friends." We didn't want to imitate to TV show, so we changed it to its foreign counterparts... japanese, german, and other languages.


So how did it become the Breethles? Well, here's the story...

The guy, the one who was kicked out, just arrived from some sort of vacation and brought with him sweet foods which we call here "peanut brittles." One time the group saw him eating it and one heck of an idea popped up. "Why don't we call ourselves BRITTLES?" The group disagreed because it was very, very common. The group decided to modify it, and after some "discussions!?," they came up with the name BREETHLES .

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    This is created by Harry Breethles Power