Q. Is awakening kundalini dangerous?

Kundalini energy rising is the experience of consciousness. How can this be dangerous? A graceful and conscious human is the result. Reports of uncomfortable and painful bodily sensations are not kundalini experiences. These result from an ill-prepared nervous system to handle the life force that naturally our bodies are host to. A key element of Kundalini Yoga is strengthening the nervous and glandular systems so that our bodies can handle the increased states of consciousness.

Q. Why do Kundalini Yoga Teachers cover their head with a hat or turban?

This most definitely does not need to be a turban, but can be any type of covering of any natural fiber. There are many teachers who wear scarves, wool caps, cotton woven caps, even baseball type caps have been worn. The practical reason for wearing a head covering can be summed up as follows: Your head is a very sensitive part of the body:


a) Our skulls are made up of tiny bones that are constantly moving even if only micromillimetres - the degree to which they move relates to your level of calmness, or anxiety however you look at it. By putting anything on your head that kind of holds it all together gives one a sense of containment and focus. Just think of all the cultures, professions that wear something on their heads i.e, baseball players, surgeons, popes, other religious leaders, military, businessmen-old style fedoras, bakers, chefs, police officers, etc. In a way it also gives a sense of regalness and authority.

b) Our foreheads consist of a porous bone which allows light to pass through it. The light in turn stimulates the pituitary gland which is light sensitive. Your pituitary as you may know is your master gland which regulates all other glands. When someone does not get enough light to stimulate the pituitary a lack of glandular secretion can result; meaning a lack of feel-good brain hormones like dopamine, seratonin, melatonin, etc. On the West Coast of Canada like Alaska as you probably experience, there is tendency for people to experience depression during the winter months S.A.D. (seasonal adjusted depression) due to all the rain and lack of sunshine. Therefore by keeping this area of your forehead clear(not wearing bangs and having the hair up) can help with these hormone levels

c) Our hair is an extension of our sensitive field. Remember rubbing a balloon on your arm and creating static electricity. Or ever notice that when a cat senses danger that its hair goes up on its back? Our hair on all parts of our body are like antenna. They conduct electricity and wherever they are on the body, they balance the electromagnetic charge at that part of the body. (eye brows, armpits, sexual area, chest, head, etc) When the hair is uncut it strengthens the electromagnetic field of your body/aura. Also imagine that if your hair is like a coil of electricity, that by coiling it all together at the top of the head -it will draw more electricity/energy towards it like a big electromagnet. This has the effect of pulling up the energy residing at the base of the spine (lower chakras) to the higher centres. Throughout the eras it has been very common for men and women both to coil (buns) their hair at the top of their heads. It allows one to feel contained. It is not just a matter of neatness. When the hair is loose and down it creates the opposite effect. If the hair is altered on any part of the body it will have an effect on your electromagnetic field. For instance the hair on the legs is there, so that when you walk a charge is created. When hair on the legs is cut it can result in back problems. The pituitary gland and the growth of the eyebrows are related. When the eyebrows are "plucked" or altered this will affect the pituitary/Arc Line balance. One "moon" i.e., emotional centre on the body is the chin. Men naturally grow hair there. The masculine polarity found in a relationship (whether man or woman) needs to be emotionally stable to balance the opposite charge found in the feminine exchange. Although subtle, allowing the chin hair (beards) to grow will help in balancing this moon centre and the emotions. Finally, there are spiritual paths that shave their heads and even great spiritual leaders who were bald. Ghandi, Buddhist monks, Dali Lama, etc. Great! The technology of hair and wearing a head covering is just that - a tool. It is one thing a teacher can do to elevate themselves but it is not the end all be all. There are many things to do to lead a life of spirit. This is just one thing that we advocate in teaching Kundalini Yoga, because it is what we do and it creates consistency among all 3HO Kundalini Yoga teachers.

Q. Where did yoga come from?

There is a myriad of yogic paths, meditations, postures and definitions. Yoga comes from the Sanskrit "yug", to yoke or to unite. In the practice of yoga we join our finite selves to our infinite selves. In popular terms, we unite body, mind and soul to act together as a balanced whole.

This technology uses the body's natural movements, breath, energy pathways and sounds to purify and strengthen the physical form so that the mental form(mind) may be brought under control andan ongoing connection with the spirit forged.

The origin of yoga predates our historical records as yoga is traditionally a practice not an academic study.One who practices yoga is called a yogi:someone who is not affected by the pair of opposites i.e.like and dislike. The goal is to be who you really are through practice of awareness and non-reacting to the events that surround you.

Q. Is Yoga a Religion?

Perhaps some of us will balk at the use of the word "God"; There are many words we can use which mean the same thing, such as infinity,higher consciousness, ecstasy - the choice of words does not matter as much as the strength of the desire to awaken within us that which Generates,Organizes, and then Delivers (GOD) or Destroys all Creation. This desire within us is also called the "urge to merge". Yoga (including meditation) is a way of fulfilling the urge to merge that exists within each of us.

Yoga is a practice to purify and strengthen our bodies and minds to remember that we are essentially spirits in human form. It is open to all to practice and experience. Consciousness is the ruling guide. "We are spirits in search of human experience not the opposite."

Religions arose from the expanded consciousness of one person who attempted to describe their journey to awakening. The desire to come together for support of this yearning formed religions that incorporated lifestyle and structure into a dogma for life.

Q. You asked which kind of yoga would be best suited for your health if one suffers from neck and back pain?

As your research has shown, there are many and varied styles and traditions of yoga. Yoga class is comparable to going to a restaurant because you're hungry. There are thousands of kinds of styles of food preparation and kinds of foods - how can you know which will best serve your needs? The only way is either personal recommendation or sampling on your own. The same with yoga classes. Reading descriptions are not the experience. In yoga - there is ONLY the experience. Yoga is a set of techniques that help you to connect to your Original Self. The Self that is free from pain, doubt and disillusionment. Any technique that brings you back in contact with this infinite part of yourself is valid. Which technique will work for you cannot be known ahead of time outside of your own experience. Try any yoga class that is convenient for you at this time and then you will begin to see how yoga works. This will lead to the next step which is always visible right in front of you. If you wish to contact us again after your experience of yoga please do so. Thank you again for your inquiry. Good Luck on your journey.

Q. I am suffering from lower back pain for the past 2 years, been to doctors and seen Chiropractors, massage therapists and physiotherapists but pain does'nt seems to go away completely. At times it really bothers me that I cannot stand more than 10 mins. I am 43 years old and I like to know why?

Sounds like you are ripe to explore the sacredness of your own Self. Lower back is a repository of many great energies notably the Kundalini energy - the reserve potential of the Self. Basically your own essence is trying to expand. Try some energy work to balance and help release the forces inside you- yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Reiki, etc to see the effect- and follow your own destiny's call. The time is very supportive now for this wonderful work.

Q.  I am resuming kundalini yoga practice after putting on considerable weight. With the excess weight I find forward bending poses very limited due to the bulk unless I do them with my legs apart. Will I recieve the same benefits?

Kundalini yoga works primarily on the glandular and nervous system as you move, breathe and develop awareness of yourself. We begin every kriya (sets of exercises) or meditation with the tuning in mantra" Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo". This aligns our consciousness with the lineage of teachers throughout the ages. Any effort that is placed into your practice thereafter will aid your whole self: physical, mental and spiritual, as all three are intimately connected. Specifically, bending forward massages your digestion, stretches your sciatic nerve, stimulates the meridians of the legs and hips, and works on the heart and circulation. With your legs apart there will be less emphasis on the digestive organs but the other areas will still receive benefit.

Q. What is the difference between KY and other yogas?

  • Kundalini yoga is the yoga of consciousness. You don't have to be a pretzel or an acrobat. Less emphasis is placed on the physical and more is placed on the awareness brought to each movement, to the breath and to the primal sounds(mantras) that are linked with the movements.
  • Kundalini Yoga emphasizes the strengthening of the nervous and the glandular(endocrine) systems. Less focus is placed initially on the muscular-skeletal aspect of the body-mind-spirit triad.
  • Kundalini Yoga is often defined as the science of angles. For instance, while lying on your back and lifting your feet off the ground at various angles you can affect different bodily systems. Lifting only 10 degrees off the ground would stimulate/balance your sex glands, 30 degrees affects the navel point area, 60 degrees would affect the heart and liver and 90 degrees works on the head.
  • Breath Of Fire is often used throughout the Kundalini Yoga exercises. Breath Of Fire is a cleansing breath which cleans the blood and releases old toxins from the lungs, mucus lining, blood vessels and cells. Regular practice expands the lungs quickly. The breath is fairly rapid (2 to 3 breaths per second), continuous and powerful with no pause between the inhale and the exhale. As you exhale, the air is pushed out by pulling the navel point and abdomen towards the spine. The inhale is smooth, simple (more like a sniff) and of equal force to the exhale.

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