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I askedhim where he got that book, and he told me that he bourght it some yearsago, and that he used it to jerk of after. big booty girls pics Fat black boobs. He told me that since I movedin he imagined that it was him and I on those pictures. "Which positiondo you prefer", I asked him "I do not know but I think the one where youare lieing on your back with your legs on my shoulders will be perfectfor a start. Then we can kiss and I can play your dick at the sametime. big booty girls pics Erotica dogfart movies blacks on blondes. " "Have you ever done it before?", I asked him. "No, I have not,but I have read all about it, and if we lube our holes it should be allright", he grinned dirtyly, pulled out a drawer and took up a tube ofvaseline. "Sure, sure. big booty girls pics Big fat black women with fat harry pussy. ", I laughed and started undressing. He strippedwithin 20 seconds. (We were now only wearing our leather cowboy-booths)I went over to the bed, spread my legs, and turned my ass towards mylover. I could see that he was smearing vaseline on his pole. "Get readyto be entered from the rear entry", he said and squeezed his heavyballs. Then he turned to me, sat down and kissed my ass-hole. It was afantastic feeling, I could feel it in my entire body.

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