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I attempted to run but my hard dick, cut arms and twisted ankle madeit very dificult to go anywhere. wives interracial stories Big thick black hoes. The window flew open and both girls were yelling at me. One noticed theblood on my arm as I again triped and fell. She told me to stay where Iwas or she was going to call the cops. wives interracial stories Fucking big booty women. I didn't argue. As she approached me I felt like I was about to be shot. She helped me to feet and into the house. wives interracial stories Free ebony sex pics. She told me to sit at the kitchen table and notto move. The other girl stood behind me with a base ball bat just waitingfor the chance to strike. As the first girl cleaned my wounds andtaped my ankles I did my best to explain what had happened. I wasn't sureshe belived but she said she wouldn't call the cops if I repaired thedamege I had done. I of ocourse agreed. She said I was to come back thatweek end and repair the bushes, fill in holes I had made in the lawn, andI was to do all the yard work around the house. Fine I said hopping thatwas it. But I was also to clean the carpets where my blood had spilled and all the other carpets and floors. Ok, anything to stay out of jail. But still she wasn't finnished with me.

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