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The magical lane: Diagon Alley QUIZ!

      Have you ever wanted to visit the magical street named Diagon Alley? Test your knowledge of the charming shops and magical stores in this fun little Quiz created by Kio Rustleweed. No peeking in the Book!


1. What is the name of the Joke Shop located along Diagon Alley?

2.Who runs Robes for All Occasions?

3. What sort of animals are found in the Magical Menagerie?

4. Which brick do you tap to open the magical archway into Diagon Alley?

5. Flourish and Blotts sells......?

6.Which one is not a shop on Diagon Alley?

7. How long has Ollivanders been making fine wands?

8.The Cauldron shop sells all of these Except.....?

9.The Apothecary sells Dragon Liver at what price....?

10.Gringotts is run by....?

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