the secret life of

Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel plays Harry in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. But the 13-year-old has a crazy side you haven't seen on-screen. Here are a few things you oughtta know about him.

ALL HE NEEDS IS A MOHAWK "I'm really into old punk rock, like the Sex Pistols, Lou Reed, Iggy Pop, and the Clash."

HE DIGS OLDER WOMEN "I'm in love with Kirsten Dunst [who's 20] and Cameron Diaz [who's 30]." Guess he has a thing for blonds, too.

PRANKS ARE HIS SPECIALITY "The best one I pulled was when I programmed Robbie Coltrane's cell phone into Turkish." [Robbie plays Hagrid in the movie.]

GROUPIES WILL DO ANYTHING TO MEET HIM "When I was at MTV, there was a girl outside wearing a towel and nothing else. It was November! She held a sign saying, 'Nothing comes between me and my Harry Potter!"