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The issue is notso much a rights issues as much as it is a consideration issue. nicotine effects body Quit smoking now. Treat the people around you with respect, the way that you'dexpect them to treat you. Aside from the smell of smoke, there's also the issue ofcigarette butts carelessly discarded along roadways and otherpublic places. While most smokers would probably never considertossing a used cup or hamburger wrapper out their car window,many don't give a second thought to flicking one cigarette buttafter another out the window. nicotine effects body Health websites. Don't think one little buttmatters? Consider that it takes one to five years for acigarette butt to disintegrate, or biodegrade. (9)What's that? You only throw out perhaps one cigarette butt perpack. Ok, let's examine that. nicotine effects body Nicotine-half-life. You litter one butt for every 20you smoke. That's 5% of your cigarettes. Not much, right?Consider that the worldwide consumption of cigarettes issomewhere in the neighborhood of 6,050,000,000,000 per year. If"only" 5% of cigarette butts were discarded improperly, thatmeans 302,500,000,000 butts are littering every street corner,parking lot, public park, and beach in the world. The next timeyou stop in your car at a stop light, look down next to yourcar. You'll probably see dozens, if not hundreds of butts. What do improperly discarded butts lead to, among other things?Yes, fires! Thousands of fires are started each year bycarelessly discarded cigarette butts. Thousands of innocentvictims are killed each year as a result of these fires. Thesefires and deaths are easily prevented if only you would take amoment to properly discard your butts. How else does your smoking affect other people? Consider thatyour smoking habit costs hundreds or thousands of dollars peryear.

Nicotine effects body

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