This is an RPG message board based on the Harvest Moon Series, everyone is welcome here! Just read up the instructions and rules and you'll be able to become a member of the village! Hope you have fun and see ya'll around the boards!!

Luv from Harvest Queen (Whoa! First time in my life I haven't sounded hyper!) ^.~
Sunday 28th April 2002- Ne...What shambles I've been in this week. It looks like this site won't be open until may...I've had to revise for tests, lookafter my sister and try and set up that darn Ikon Board! But don't worry! I'll try to get the board up and running very soon! ^_^
Instructions FAQ
Rules RPG Board
Remember!!! If you have any comments/suggestions/complaints you can always send them to me via E-mail
Or just post me at the UFFIX forums- My I.D Is Harvest Queen, as per usual! :-)