Peregrin Took

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'Well, yes, well enough for my own people. But we have no songs fit for great halls and evil times, lord. We seldom sing of anything more terrible than wind or rain. And most of my songs are about things that make us laugh; or about food and drink, of course.'

     Peregrin Took, or better known as Pippin, is the youngest of Frodo's companions. He was born to Paladin and Eglantine Took in TA 2990. He accompanies Frodo to his new house at Crickhollow, and from there he and Merry won't let him go off alone. They left for Bree, where Frodo was supposed to meet gandalf. There they met up with the ranger, Aragorn, and with his help reached Rivendell. Here the Council of Elrond was held and Frodo elects to destroy the Ring. Sam is allowed to go with him, and Merry and Pippin were annoyed. After much protesting, they are allowed places in the Fellowship, and leave Rivendell along with the other chosen companions.

     Pippin and Marry was attacked by Saruman's Urak-hai, spite of Boromir's attepmts to hold off the monsters. Boromir was slain and the two hobbits were captured. The captors were slain by the Rohirrim, and Pippin and his companion fled into Fanghorn Forest, where they meet up with Treebeard, an ancient Ent. They rouse the Ents into storming Isengard, the abode of the fallen wizard Saruman. Here they are rejoined with Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli. The young hobbit was present when Gandalf and Théoden talked to Saruman, and retrieved the palantir of Orthanc, after Grima threw the precious stone at Gandalf. He was thus entranced with the seeing stone, and foolishly looked into it and revealed himself to Sauron.

     Gandalf took Pippin to Minas Tirith, in an effort to keep him out of trouble. When they reach the capital of Gondor, Pippin offered his sword to Denethor, father of Boromir, and became a knight of Gondor. He became friends with Beregond, another guard. He and Beregond saved the life of Faramir, Denethor's second son, when the Steward went mad and tried to burn himself. Beregond held the doors to the Tomb from soldiers obeying Lord Denethor's commands.and his son.

     Pippin fought valiantly in the Last Battle before the black gates of Mordor, and he slew a great troll. After the War of the Ring, Pippin returned to the Shire with the other hobbits, and he and Pippin led the usually peaceful halflings in the Battle of Bywater. He married Diamond of Long Cleeve, and their son, Faramir Took, married Sam's daughter Goldilocks.

     In the movie Pippin is played by Billy Boyd.

Took of Great Smials

 Whence come you? A halfling, and in the livery of the Tower! Whence...?Faramir