Welcome to Hastings against War

Hastings Against War was formed in February 2003, when local peace campaigners and anti-war activists came together to oppose the invasion of Iraq. Its position then, and since, is that the invasion of Iraq was illegal, immoral and unjustified.

Working locally, and making links with other national groups, Hastings Against War has consistently campaigned against the invasion of Iraq. We continue to highlight conditions in Iraq as well as making links with other anti-war groups and organisations, and joining with others to oppose all wars.

Get Involved

Hastings Against War meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month in Friends Meeting House, South Terrace, at 7.30. All are welcome.

Contact details

You can contact Hastings Against War on: Hastingsagainstwar@yahoo.co.uk

Or by phoning: 01424 437820

Future events

2007 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: forthcoming activities: local & national:


September regular meetings:
September 4th and 18th, 2007. 7.30
Friends Meeting House, South Terrace, Hastings.

Saturday stall: September 15 - "Hands off Iraqi Oil"
Hastings Town Centre (in front of Millets)
12 noon to 2pm

October regular meetings:
October 2nd and 16th 2007.

Saturday November 17th, 2007
Gig with Liane Carroll in aid of Child Victims of War.
The Rooms, St. Leonards on Sea from 12 noon to late evening.


keep looking more soon!