Shinin'Times Newsletter

May, 2001

Hatchie Run Lonrifles

Family Cookout!

Club Shoot Weekend

June 23rd (, 24th(Sun)

Come join us for a Family weekend at the Club’s grounds. This is to be a Family affair open to members and their families and of course any new perspective members. On Saturday the club will supply the main course for the group cookout (Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Chicken, etc). You may bring potluck if inclined. You are welcome to bring kids games for their entertainment. The woods walk will be open for a casual shooting area (I don’t believe a range officer will be present so you will have to police yourselves (remember to keep firearms pointed downrange!)). There will be hawk and knife throws for men, women, and kids. Sunday will be the regular shoot. Dress is casual! Camping will be permitted in tents or in tin-tepees. Come be sociable, meet someone new, have a great time!


Safety First !!!

Once again it is time to remind members the importance of Safety at our shoots! I have a wife and a child who are counting on Me to come home to help take care of them.

The Basic Rules at all of our shoots are:

#1)Range Officer has total control of all shoots!

(Basic Commands: Line Hot (gun loaded), Line Cold: (gun unloaded))

#2) No Smoking Material on the Firing line!

#3)No priming your weapon (that means no capping or priming your pan with powder) until your gun is pointed downrange!

#4) When transporting a weapon make sure the barrel (the end with a hole) is pointed towards the ground, at the sky, or away from any living thing!

If these rules are not adhered to, you will be asked to stop shooting at our functions (permently!)

No Exceptions!!!!

If you have any questions – please take a Hunter Safety Course!

Information on courses is available from all club officers! Please ask.

Any member that would like to have a link posted on Hatchie Run to their website, be it personal or bussiness related would be a welcome addition. Please submit it to us and we will see that it is added on our links page.

We could use updated photos! You can e-mail them, or supply them on a disk. A discription of what the photos are would be helpfull.

Here is a link to a web site that was supplied to me.

This Company supplies shooting supplies.

Thunder Ridge Muzzle Loading

Catalogue is available

Please,Please, Please feel free to submit an article for the newsletter.

Members can recieve this information on the clubs finacial report by contacting me through this Web Sites E-Mail, or by pony express, carrier pigion, or over the land line.

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