A home for ghosts, demons, and Monsters!
This page is dedicated to the wonderfully talented author Sandra Haukeland.
Sandra was born 1966 in a small mid western American town. While growing up she learned to appreciate the things going bump in the night around her. As she grew older she learned to love them.

Being a lover of everything terrifying it was only natural when Sandra started writing she started writing horror stories. Her short stories have been published in the on-line magazines The Writers Hood, Anotherealm, and Demon Minds. Sandra is currently working on her first novel and more short stories.

Sandra's tales of Horror include:

Demons and Dust Bunnies published the writers Hood

The Killer by Sandra Haukeland published The Writers Hood 

Cannibal Graveyard by Sandra Haukeland published Demon Minds
                                                                GHOST HUNT
                                                          by: Sandra Haukeland
                                                                copyright 2002

Every day I pass an old spooky abandon house on my way to and from work. It’s the kind of house you dared each other to spend the night in when you were kids. They say it’s cursed, that once inside you’ll never LEAVE!
I’ve been planning to go in and try and get some ghosts photos. Today is the first time I’ve had a chance. On my way I notice some kids walking behind me. It is obvious they’ve been drinking. I walk faster but they catch me in front of the gate to the house, and give me a hard shove through. It hurt my ribs but undaunted I walk up the four steps to the front door and go in. Strange that it isn’t locked but kids probably broke the lock years ago.
With my camera ready I walk into the living room. I raise it to my eye when a faint whisper catches my attention. Something brushes past me! WOW!  I can barely make out a dark figure standing by the stairs leading to the bedrooms. This is going to be a great picture! I move closer to get a better shot, but when I get there the figure disappears.
I can hear the whispers clearer now. They must be coming from up stairs. Yes! At the top of the stairs several orbs of light dart into one of the bedrooms! Without thinking I run after them. An ice-cold draft stops me dead in my tracks. I’m dying to get that perfect shot of the after life so I continue, slower this time.
I hesitate before opening the door a crack. A child’s voice say’s to “Come in and play with us.” Oh my God! This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me! I can’t even feel my heart beating. I push the door open and step inside. WOW! Two spirits are standing by the window looking down toward the street. They smile and wave for me to take a look. Honored I join them. A small group of people has gathered around the gate.
Oh no! I feel my chest for my heartbeat. It’s gone! Down on the sidewalk next to the gate I lay in a pool of blood that has stopped expanding!

Ghost hunt published April 2002  Anotherealm.com
To enter my garden
My ghostly photos
This page is boring because it's not finished!