Crime Prevention Badge Req. 1

Define Crime & Crime Prevention:

01. Crime can best be defined as

a. doing something wrong.
b. None of these answers are correct.
c. something only learned from watching and imitating movies.
d. any violation of law, either divine or human; an omission of a duty commanded, or the commission of an act forbidden by law.

02. The Scout Crime Prevention merit badge pamphlet simply defines Crime Prevention as:

a. being aware that crime is possible and taking steps to stop it.
b. a technique of elimination of opportunities for the commission of crime.
c. the work of catching those who break laws & bringing legal action against them.
d. “Anticipation, recognition, & appraisal of crime risk & initiation of some action to remove or reduce the risk”

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 2

Prepare a notebook of newspaper and other clippings that address crime and crime prevention efforts in your community.

03. News clippings for a notebook addressing crime & crime prevention efforts in my community can be found in

a. newspapers & magazines.
b. magazines, newsletters & the Internet.
c. newspapers, magazines, newsletters & the Internet.
d. books, newspapers, magazines, newsletters & the Internet.

04. I have prepared a notebook of newspaper & other clippings about crime & crime prevention efforts and activities in my community.

a. True
b. False


05. My notebook is divided in all the following categories [Mark all that apply]

a. White-collar crime
b. Crimes against people
c. Crime against animals
d. Crimes against property

06. My notebook sub-categories of people crimes include

a. Rape and Homicide (murder)
b. Both items a and c are correct
c. Robbery and Aggravated assault
d. Aggravated assault, Graffiti and Vandalism

07. My notebook sub-categories of animal crimes include

a. Cruelty
b. Neglect
c. Endangerment
d. None are correct

08. My notebook sub-categories of property crimes include

a. Burglary and Larceny (theft)
b. Both items a and d are correct
c. Robbery and Aggravated assault
d. Arson (burning), Motor-vehicle theft and Vandalism

09. My notebook sub-categories of white-collar crimes include

a. Fraud (tricking someone for personal profit)
b. All items are correct but suggested and not required
c. Embezzlement (stealing money entrusted in you protection)
d. Computer hacking (unauthorized access to valuable information) and Theft

10. I have shown my notebook to & discussed it’s contents with my Crime Prevention Merit Badge Counselor.

a. True
b. False

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 3

Do the following:

Talk to a store owner or manager about the impact of crime on the way the store is run & how crime affects prices.

11. A store owner or manager & I have discussed crime impact on store operations & how prices are affected by crime.

a. True
b. False

12. Store operation is affected by crime by adding expenses such as

a. extra security employees
b. electronic monitoring systems
c. extra locks and reduced hours of operation
d. all of these are included as well as employee training

13. Crime affects store prices by making purchases more expensive so owners can recover from theft losses.

a. True
b. False

Talk with a school teacher, principal, or school officer about the impact of crime in your school.

14. Fill in the blank with the person’s name you talked with followed by the event date:

School Teacher , Principal , or School Officer , and I have discussed on , how crime affects my school.

15. Impact of crime upon schools includes

a. extra locks.
b. extra security or law enforcement employees.
c. installation & maintenance of electronic monitoring systems.
d. all of these are included as well as employee/student training.


Explain what neighborhood watch is and how it can benefit your neighborhood.

16. Neighborhood Watch as described in the Boy Scout Crime Prevention Merit Badge pamphlet as

a. both b and d.
b. neighborhood organization created to protect the local community from crime.
c. a community-based program of citizens working together with law enforcement agencies.
d. neighborhood organization created to prevent crime in the local community.

17. Neighborhood Watch benefits my neighborhood by

a. reducing home burglaries, mostly.
b. prepare neighbors in case a crime incident.
c. all of the choices are correct although many more benefits exist.
d. keeping neighbors aware of neighborhood risks & problems & helping to prevent neighborhood crime.

Define white-collar crime and explain how it affects all citizens of the United States.

18. White-Collar Crime can be defined as

a. crime committed by workers in the laundry or dry cleaning industries.
b. all of the choices are correct although many other white-collar types exist.
c. offenses or crimes committed by business or professional people usually while working.
d. gang members who always leave a white-collar at the scene of a crime representing their calling card.

19. White-Collar Crime affects all citizens of the United States by

a. creating ill-feelings between people.
b. all of the choices are correct although other affects are not listed.
c. forcing well-intentioned businesses & organizations to close forever.
d. increasing taxes, needed for government intervention to reduce lawlessness.

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 4

Discuss the following with your counselor:

What is the role of a police or sheriff’s department in crime prevention?


20. The role of local law enforcement in crime prevention includes

a. assisting in safety maintenance.
b. choices a, c, & d as well as others not listed.
c. selection & training of persons to work towards enforcement of laws.
d. deliver information about community crime & law enforcement activity.

What is the role of citizens, including youth, in crime prevention?

21. The role of citizens and youth in crime prevention includes [Select all that apply]

a. constant attention & simple effective precautions.
b. protecting property of their own & other neighbors.
c. awareness of neighborhood risks & maintaining the quality of life in the community.
d. pretending not to notice & remaining a trusted confidant to the criminal elements of society

Discuss gangs & their impact on the community. What are gang characteristics?

22. Some of the characteristics of gangs are [select all that apply]

a. possibly tied to a neighborhood or territory.
b. formally organized with identifiable leadership.
c. members regularly interact & engage in harmful often violent behavior.
d. pay dues and go on field trips to jails or detention centers to earn badges.

What impact do gangs have on the community?

23. Gangs impact on the community by deliberately [select all that apply]

a. committing violent offenses on property & citizens.
b. causing serious medical injuries.
c. promoting lawlessness especially regarding weapons & drugs.
d. encouraging lack of respect for others and society.

Discuss when & how to report a crime.

24. Crime can be most quickly reported by [select all that apply]

a. Mail
b. Internet
c. Telephone
d. In-Person

25. Report crime [select all that apply]

a. accurately.
b. without delay.
c. only as a last resort.
d. only if it involves you or someone you know.

Discuss the role & value of laws in society.

26. Laws provide _______________ for the community. [Select all that apply]

a. safety
b. protection
c. organization
d. preservation

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 5

Do the following:

Inspect your neighborhood for opportunities that may lead to crime.

27. I have inspected my neighborhood for opportunistic crime elements

a. True
b. False

Learn how to do a crime prevention survey.

28. I have learned how to do a crime prevention survey by [select all that apply]

a. discussing crime prevention with my counselor.
b. completion of the Home Security Checklist requirement.
c. reviewing the clippings of my Crime Prevention notebook.
d. reading the Boy Scout Crime Prevention merit badge pamphlet cover to cover.

Use the Crime Prevention pamphlet’s checklist & conduct a security survey of your home.

29. We keep a list of all valuable property.

a. Yes
b. No

30. A duplicate copy of our valuable property list is kept in a secure & safe place outside our home.

a. Yes
b. No

31. We keep a list of serial numbers of our valuable property.

a. Yes
b. No

32. We keep a photograph and a description of all property that does not have an identifying number.

a. Yes
b. No

33. We keep excessive cash and other valuables in the bank.

a. Yes
b. No

34. We do not hide a house key at any location outside our home.

a. Yes
b. No

35. Our family knows what to do if they discover a burglar breaking in or already inside our home.

a. Yes
b. No

36. Our family members know to leave everything undisturbed and call local law enforcement if they discover that a burglary has been committed.

a. Yes
b. No

37. All trees and shrubs are trimmed to eliminate hiding places.

a. Yes
b. No



38. We have a security closet with a solid-core door, non-removable hinges, and a dead-bolt lock.

a. Yes
b. No

39. We have emergency telephone numbers listed on our telephones.

a. Yes
b. No

40. The outside of our home is well lit.

a. Yes
b. No

41. Our porch light has at least a 60 watt bulb.

a. Yes
b. No

42. Our house number is easily visible from the street at any hour.

a. Yes
b. No

43. Our family has made it more difficult for burglars by locking up ladders, eliminating trellises & drain pipes that could be used by burglars to climb and enter the home from an upper floor.

a. Yes
b. No

44. We only have solid-core doors in our home.

a. Yes
b. No

45. All our entry doors have wide-angle viewers.

a. Yes
b. No



46. All our door locks are secure from being opened by a burglar if they break out a pane of glass or panel of lightweight wood.

a. Yes
b. No

47. All exterior doors have cylinder-type deadbolt locks with at least a 1 inch throw and a beveled cylinder guard.

a. Yes
b. No

48. All doors without cylinder locks have a heavy deadbolt or some similar security device that can be operated only from the inside.

a. Yes
b. No

49. All doors can be securely locked.

a. Yes
b. No

50. All basement doors have locks that allow us to isolate that part of our home.

a. Yes
b. No

51. All of our locks are in good repair.

a. Yes
b. No

52. All door strike-plates are installed with 3 inch screws.

a. Yes
b. No

53. We know everyone with a key to our home.

a. Yes
b. No


54. All out-swinging doors in our home have non-removable hinge pins.

a. Yes
b. No

55. All sliding doors have a lock that secures both door panels together or locks the active side to the frame.

a. Yes
b. No

56. Our garage door is secured with a padlock, hasp, or other good lock.

a. Yes
b. No

57. We lock our garage door at night.

a. Yes
b. No

58. We lock our garage door while not at home.

a. Yes
b. No

59. We lock our car door and take out the keys even when it is parked in our garage.

a. Yes
b. No

60. All windows in our home are equipped with key locks or they are pinned.

a. Yes
b. No

61. All our window locks are properly and securely mounted.

a. Yes
b. No



62. We keep all our windows locked when they are shut.

a. Yes
b. No

63. We use locks that allow us to lock a window that is partly open.

a. Yes
b. No

64. We have replaced or secured all louvered windows.

a. Yes
b. No

65. In high-burglary areas, we use window bars or ornamental grills.

a. Yes
b. No

66. We have secure locks on garage windows.

a. Yes
b. No

67. We cover garage windows with curtains or shades.

a. Yes
b. No

68. We are as careful to secure basement and 2nd story windows as we are to secure windows on the 1st floor.

a. Yes
b. No

69. We use good telephone security procedures.

a. Yes
b. No



70. When away from home for extended time periods like vacations, we secure our telephone.

a. Yes
b. No

71. When away from home for extended time periods like vacations, friends, relatives or neighbors are used to collect all our home deliveries.

a. Yes
b. No

72. While we are away, we arrange to make our home look lived in.

a. Yes
b. No

73. We notify a trusted neighbor then we will be away for extended time periods.

a. Yes
b. No

74. We notify local law enforcement then we will be away for extended time periods.

a. Yes
b. No

75. We store all our valuables in a secure place, like a safety deposit box in our bank, while away.

a. Yes
b. No

Discuss your home security survey results with your family.

76. The security survey, above, was shared and results discussed with my family.

a. True
b. False

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 6

Teach your family or patrol self protection from crime at home, school, while traveling & in the community.

77. I have taught my _______________ how to protect themselves from crime at home, school, while traveling & in the community.

a. pets
b. family
c. parents
d. patrol members

78. Non-safe action when traveling by car includes [select all that apply]

a. never picking up hitchhikers.
b. always locking all doors & windows.
c. using well lighted & traveled roadways.
d. if being followed, speed up, make lane changes & lots of turns in order to loose them.

79. Self protection includes all of these except [select all that are exceptions]

a. the buddy system.
b. carrying a lethal weapon.
c. keeping aware of your surroundings.
d. maintaining a preparedness philosophy.

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 7

Visit a jail or detention facility.

80. I have visited a _______________ facility.

a. jail
b. detention facility

Discuss your experience with your counselor.

81. The visit was [select all that apply]

a. funny
b. scary
c. sickening
d. informative


82. The inmates appeared [select all that apply]

a. angry
b. clean
c. mean
d. happy
e. afraid
f. drugged

83. The visit was a good idea.

a. Yes
b. No

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 8

Discuss with your counselor the purpose and operation of agencies
in your community that help law enforcement personnel prevent crime.

84. Agencies that help law enforcement personnel prevent crime are established to

a. items c & d are correct.
b. assist reporting & help victims of crimes.
c. solicit financial & volunteer contributions
d. increase public awareness & research solutions.

How do the crime prevention agencies help in emergency situations.

85. Crime prevention agencies help in emergency situations by providing helpful resources & information.

a. True
b. False

Crime Prevention Merit Badge Crime Prevention Badge Req. 9

Discuss the following with your counselor:

How drug abuse awareness programs, such as “Drugs: A Deadly Game,” help prevent crime?

86. Drug abuse awareness programs help prevent crime by informing the public about the associated risks & problems.

a. True
b. False

Why are alcohol, tobacco, & marijuana sometimes called “gateway drugs”?

87. Alcohol, tobacco, & marijuana are sometimes called “gateway drugs” because

a. users are often seen standing by fences and gates.
b. a company originally known as Gateway sold them commercially.
c. a well known person by the name of Gates maintains stock in such drugs.
d. they provide an “means of access” for a much larger assortment of other drugs.

88. D.A.R.E., a program focusing on drug awareness stands for [select the best answer]

a. choices c & d are not correct
b. Drug Arrests Remain Effective
c. Drug Alcohol Ring Enforcement
d. Drug Abuse Resistance Education

How can “gateway drugs” lead to the use of other drugs?

89. “Gateway drugs” lead to the use of other drugs by [make your best choice]

a. the desire to take risks & break rules.
b. addiction that could make a person vulnerable to abuse & addiction to other drugs.
c. setting up patterns of behavior that make it easier for a user to go on to the other drugs.
d. opening the door of curiosity towards the affects of other drugs and the drug's availability.
e. “Gateway drugs” effects become more familiar, less exciting & the more they are used, lead the user to try others in search of a better buzz, a higher high.

Name 3 city resources where people with a drug problem(s) go for help.

90. The 3 resources in my city where people with drug or drug-related problems can go for help are the [select 3 only]

a. clinic b. police c. doctor
d. church e. mission f. hospital
g. pharmacy h. rehabilitation center i. charity organization


How does the sale and use of illegal drugs lead to other crimes?

91. Sale and use of illegal drugs leads to other crimes by

a. any one or all of the other selections.
b. negatively altering the users perception of right & wrong.
c. the violent defensive methods dealers often choose to use.
d. requiring sums of money larger than lawful means can normally provide.

How can Child Abuse be recognized?

92. Child Abuse is recognized by

a. signs & symptoms of parental neglect.
b. bruises & other obvious physical signs.
c. uncommon or severe emotional behavior.
d. all the choices have recognition potential.

What are the 3 Rs of youth protection?

93. The 3 Rs of youth protection are [select all that apply]

a. Resist
b. Report
c. Restrain
d. Recognize
e. Recuperate

Scout's Name: Troop Number: Date:

If answered on-line, be sure to print your exam for submission to your local counselor then,


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"Counselor Havlicek" here!

Courtesy of ARCO & Robert Havlicek
Created: 03 April 1999 - Last Edit: 29 December 2005

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