Server Information

  • Base Exp: 2000x
  • Job Exp: 2000x
  • Drop Rate: 10x
  • Max stat: 99
  • Max Base Level: 99
  • Max Job Level: 55
  • Max Base Level (Adv): 100
  • Max Job Level (Adv): 70
  • Card Drop: 1%
  • Rules

    1. Don't double post in the forums.
    2. Don't post off-topic in the forums.
    3. Don't kill steal on any maps.
    4. Don't disrespect any players.
    5. Don't intentionally crash the server.
    6. Don't bother GMs about items/events.
    7. Don't spam the chat.
    8. Don't steal player's loot.
    9. Don't use botters/autoers.
    10. Don't scam or steal other players items.
    11. Don't use GM or Game Master in your nick or title.
    12. Don't advertise other servers.
    13. Don't Beg.


    Rules 3, 4, 6, and 8 will result in being jailed.

    Rules 5 and 9 will result in being banned.

    Rule 7, 12, and 13 will result in being mutted.

    For rule 10 the victim will need evidence of proof that they were either scammed or robbed, if determined, you will have your items returned and the accussed banned.

    For rule 11 Your charactor will be deleted.

    Server Features

    Healer, Skill Resetter, Stat Resetter, Job Changer, Platinum Skill NPC, Town Warper, Dungeon Warper, War of Emperium, Marriage System, Same-Sex Marriage, Adoption System

    Player Commands

    @warp, @jump, @who, @load, @storage, @gstorage, @die, @go, @hatch, @time, @autoloot, @mi, @exp, @rates, @ii, @whodrops, @me, @showexp, @showzeny, @changegm, @changeleader, @invite, @duel, @leave, @accept, @reject, @away, @aw, @commands, @request