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Welcome to the homepage of Hayley Knight

Hello and welcome to my personal homepage. My name is Hayley and I live and work in London. Born in Cheshire in the North West of England where I was educated, I moved to London in 1997. While in the North West I worked for one of the United Kingdom's largest television broadcasters as a VT Operator/Engineer. Moving to London meant working for a different company. This time it was for a facilities company which was a great opportunity to work for many different types of programmes. Well what comes around goes around and it wasn't long before I found myself back with my old employers as a Studio/Vision Engineer who are Granada Television.

Working in London does have some benefits, as you can see from this photo taken from the top of the new London Eye, which opened in February 2000, showing a fantastic view of the River Thames lined on both banks by some very beautiful and maybe not so beautiful buildings and monuments. This makes the location of my present job handy for visiting central London on gorgeous sunny days.

The studio where I work has a fabulous view of the River Thames in fact the view from 'our' window is famous to daytime television viewers especially those of the program I work on, which is This Morning.

©2000 Hayley Knight

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