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Welcome to Hayley Westenra Online-One of the first fansites devoted to New Zealands biggest rising star. Here you'll find all the latest on what Hayleys been up to, pictures, articles and more.

Hayley Westenra is a 15 year old singer from Christchurch, New Zealand. She has had 2 top selling number one cd's in NZ and is currently recording her first international release.

Email Me
Hayleys official website www.hayleywestenra.com is currently down coz her record company Decca are re-doing it! The holding page looks pretty good and theres a cool new pic of Hayley on it. Also Pokarekare Ana is playing.
Also check out a new (international)  Hayley site
Hayley Westenra World
Added 3 newspaper articles which you can find under "articles" in the Media section
Also added a new Sophie pic.
Hayley will perform at the Faenol Festival,Wales on August the 24 2003, with  Opera Greats Jose' Carreras and Bryn Terfel and the Welsh National Orchestra. This information can be confirmed at www.brynfest.com
Hayley is still in London recording at the moment and has recorded about 7 tracks. But she'll be back in NZ around mid-May.
Also check out this new site on Hayley:
Belinda's site
4 new pics from a dressfitting around xmas last year, taken by Masaya. Credit: Hayleywestenrafans.(Click thumbnail on left to go to gallery)
The rest of the galleries arent all up yet but im trying to figure out which would be the best way to do them so thats why its taking so long. I dont wanna do them and then have to re-do them.  I also added info to "
the site."
OK  I think I fixed the picture problem so they should all be working now! :)
OK-very sorry for the lack of updates! Ive been really busy lately and theres a few technical difficulties with the site. Pretty much the pictures, which is why the galleries havn't been added and you may not see most of the pictures on the site at the moment. But I will be adding alot more, including rare and personal pics and hopefully alot more on Hayleys music. So keep checking back!
I added 3 picture galleries. 60 Minutes, 2001 Xmas in the Park and Photo Shoots. Click on the picture on the left to go to the galleries. I'll be adding alot more soon, Im trying to do a few a day-although some of them are only thumbnails for now.
The guestbook is up and running, so please sign it! :)

Ive also started on
Hayleys Personal Biography and added some fan reviews which you get to through the media section.

I have a few people who've offered to make banners for this site so once they're done I'll probably put them all up on this page and see which one everyone likes best. The one thats up at the moment was done by www.bombasticlove.2ya.com
I redid the family section today and added Sophie and Issacs pics. I also did the photos contents page, Hayleys Personal Bio and Fan Reviews. Hopefully I'll be adding alot of the picture galleries soon. I have also asked a few people if they could design banners for me so once their done I can get rid of my placeholder one!
I also have to add: A lot of stuff on this site, especially pictures came from HWFans.com-so a BIG thankyou to Lindsay! :)
Well, this is the new layout...kinda. Ive still got ALOT of work to do and I need to get a banner made. The one up there at the moment is just a place holder so its pretty crappy. Ive done some of Hayleys Bio, some media, family and links. Im gonna try and get alot of the pictures added next so keep checking back for updates.
Hayley said she'd sign my guestbook once I get it up-just have to do that too.