Gilmore Girls
Screw you, Hayseed, I'm here for links and links only...
See what Hayseed thinks...
I have watched Gilmore Girls off and on since it first aired but only really started filling in the gaps when it went into syndication recently.  The quality of writing on the show is consistently impressive, and the characterizations are well drawn enough that I can ignore the teen angst long enough to be a fan.

And the rules are:

1.  I am an absolute JavaJunkie, meaning that what I enjoy reading is Lorelai/Luke fanfic (I also have had the overwhelming urge to hit Digger Stiles with a shovel in the past, which should make the character very glad not to be on the show any more).  The other pairings are pretty much beside the point, as long as I have my JJ fix.  There are exceptions to this, of course, but very few.

2.  The main pitfall of this fandom is the fandom itself -- it's plagued with Twelve-Year-Old Fangirl Syndrome, so there's a perilous amount of crap to wade through in order to reach quality fic.  Fortunately, they tend to be Trories (Tristan/Rory shippers) or other such things, so I've been largely able to ignore them.

3.  Another drawback is the issue of characterization, especially in Lorelai/Luke stuff.  Some of this has to do with TYOF Syndrome, but there's an overwhelming tendency to not only emotionally retard both Lorelai and Luke, but to reduce them to basically one-dimensional creatures.

Enough of that -- go, read!