And there were many links...
General Archives -- There's a thriving HP community here.  Beware--there's a lot of bad stuff out on ffn to sort through.
FictionAlley -- One of the really whopping HP sites--five separate archives under a single banner.
The Sugar Quill -- To be honest, not one of the ones I frequent, but I know there's tons of stuff there. -- Another large community, dedicated to R and NC-17 fics, since ffn gave NC-17 fics the boot.
Restricted Section -- More NC-17ish stuff.  Must have a password to enter the site.
Dark Regard -- A small, but exclusive, collection of fanfic of various pairings.
The Bouncing Ferret -- Devoted mostly to humorous fic.  You will notice a certain author named Hayseed is archived there ;)
La Societe Des Femmes Dangereuses -- Various author sites.  Mostly SS/HG, but not exclusively, so I'll put it under 'General.'
SS/HG Archives
Dark Sarcasm -- A sort of catch-all for links to SS/HG fics of all shapes and sizes.  Note--not all links work.
Lord and Lady Snape -- A fairly new SS/HG archive with a fair amount of exclusive stuff on it.  I love this one for automatically telling me whether or not a fic is complete.
Whispers -- A massive SS/HG site that goes up and down a bit, but it's got a new URL, a new mod, and seems to be back in action.
Obscurus Books -- Just getting off the ground, but looks to be very promising.
When I Kissed The Teacher -- Technically not an archive--it's a Yahoo group.  But there is an assortment of fic under the 'Files' header.  Note--must be a group member to access.
Whopping Disclaimer...These links are provided without permission.  If you take issue with that fact, or if you'd like to suggest a link to be added, email Hayseed