Hello every body. If you hit this site by luck, then I recommend you to visit my homepage here first. This Site contains most of my scientific researches and expirements among the period I've studied in the UAEU. If you came here for my Pre's, you are welcomed, but you should read first the points below ..
1. The main reason beyond launching this site is to demonstrate some of my scientific achivements and efforts that were successfully, by help of god, fullfilled.

2. If you find one of my files worth downloading, then you should ask me first. Just E Mail me, or contact me by any possible means. Please, expalain, briefly, your identity and why you need the file. I will delightly send you the password.

3. I will be pleased if my works helped. But please, DON'T COPY ! I am not responsible at all and I repeat it, I am this site owner, Haytham M. Abdullwahab not responsible for anything that would result from copying from my work. I advise you don't, especially if you knew that I've sent this site to more than 60 teachers from all the departments of the UAEU college of engineering and I have recieved replays from 54 of them!, They must have downloaded the files that interests them. Let's be profissional and make real group work. I am just giving help and and you are the one who should make magic.

That's all, Let's get serious. C'mon with me to ..
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