Dear Parents and Students:                                    August 2004

    I am looking forward to a great year in our US History class at Farnell Middle School.
    The format of the class will be:  (1) Opener – a graded review of the previous lesson, an introduction to today’s lesson, a current events quiz, a geography review, or an FCAT-style reading exercise.  (2) Lesson – a multimedia lecture, during which the student will make notes and participate in discussion, or a hands-on, interactive activity intended to reinforce or add to the previous lesson or present new material.  Often, the activities will include group work.  (3) Homework – Work accomplished out of class to reinforce the lessons.  Homework will always be assigned on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (and occasionally on Tuesday or Thursday).  Students will spend about two hours each week on homework. Students should keep their texts at home to do their homework.  Most students who fail the class do so because they did not do the homework.
Parents, the first homework assignment is yours.  The task is to write me a note telling me about your son/daughter – their strengths, weaknesses, interests, learning style…whatever you think I need to know to help them succeed.  You can return this in a sealed envelope if you wish.  It is due next Monday.  
    A key element of the student's success will be their History Notebook.  The Notebook will be used each day. Each student will need a 3-ring ‘view’ binder that is 1½” thick, six dividers, plenty of lined notebook paper, and some unlined computer or bond paper.  They will also need a pencil, pen, small post-it notes, 3x5 lined index cards, and two different pastel-colored highlighters.  Colored pencils would be helpful.
    There will be a mid-term and a final Exam each quarter.
    During each quarter, there will be Special Assignments.  The first and second quarter, students will work on a portfolio of different research and writing assignments about a historical person of their choosing (‘My Best Friend’).  In the second and third quarter, students will research and complete a project for the History Fair.  In the third and fourth quarter, each student will research and complete a historical caricature and two event posters. 
    Reading the newspaper or watching TV news should become a daily habit.  We will have weekly discussions and quizzes on current events.  This will include a number of activities centered on this year’s elections.  We will also participate in the National Geography Bee, a World of Wisdom League, and a review game I invented called Empire!  I will also organize a 5-day history trip to Washington, DC in the Spring. 
    Grades are based on Exams (35-40%), Homework (15-20%), Notebook (20-25%), Special Assignments (10-25%), and Openers (5%).  I also give plus and minus Dedication Points for turning homework in early, work during group activities, accessing the ‘link of the week’, and accomplishing reading assignments.
    This will not be your hardest class this year, but it will be the one that requires the most work, and for most of you, it will be the one you enjoy the most.  I guarantee it. 
    If your student tells you they don’t have homework, you can check for yourself at my web site at  If a student is absent, they are responsible for making up missed assignments and entering the lesson in their notebook.  They can get these assignments and lessons at the web site.
    I am terrible at telephone calls but very responsive to e-mails.  I will get back to you in the evening if you contact me at  If you don’t have e-mail, you can leave a message on the school voice mail at 356-1640, ext 512.  I will get back to you as soon as possible. 
Please feel free to visit our class anytime.  The web site will tell you what our planned lesson is so that you can select the most interesting time to visit.  I look forward to working with each of you. 
    Sincerely,      Mr. Hazel

_____Please keep this letter.  Cut and return the information below this line with your homework assignment__

Name of Male head of house - _________________________  Work phone # - __________________    
Female head of house - _______________________________  Work Phone # - __________________
Parent’s e-mail - _____________________________________  Student’s Name - ________________