
All though this chapter has nothing to do with chakra's I still think it's important sins were talking about drawing. To draw a chakra you can use al kind of materials but I prefer pencils because they are soft and easy to use, but feel free to use what ever you like. Before you start to draw select the colors you want to use for the chakra your gone draw. Draw a simple figure (Example) and she how these colors look together and how they look on the paper you are going to use. Don't be afraid to mix with the colors it will give your drawing more depth. Remember there are now rules for drawing. Do whatever you like; feel free to experiment, your only drawing for your self. But don't forget to use the basic shapes and colors for every chakra and al do it's no must you better start with the basic-chakra and follow the line up.

At the end of the following chapters you will find the basic shape of each chakra. It looks difficult but it's not. All chakra's are build out of circles. The trick is to start with a base circle and build the other circles around it. To make it even easier I will give some tips after to every base shape. After finishing the base shape you may wipe out as much from the circles as you like. Just keep the base shape and the base number in mind while you do so. For some help and idea's on how to color the different chakra's use the link to the examples at the end of each page.