SMS Prepaid Reload System Direct 2 U
U Earn Money When People talk

Turn Your Handphone Into a Money Making Machine::SMS Prepaid Reload System Direct 2 U:You Earn Money When People Talk:24 Hours a Day No Matter Where U Are::

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Hubungi Kami

(Mohd Rafzi Ahmad)
Agent Acct:- 5229
Tel :- 0163036880

Acct No : 114057839012

MBB Ampang Park

Acct No : 05060133060521

Jln Dato Bandar Tunggal Seremban

Frequently Asked Questions
It's a local e-commerce business dealing with telecommunication registered in Malaysia. It provides ordinary people with extraordinary e-technology using personal hand-phone which will enable them to be their own business owner to sell prepaid cards to consumers by using SMS in a faster and easier way; whilst creating a substantial income source for them.
How do I use this SMS Prepaid Reload System service ?
You need a personal password given by the company is your last four digit of your NRIC number which was given by you.
What would I do if I do not have a hand-phone?
The choice is your, you can continue to stay away from the hi-tech technology or take this opportunity to embrace it and get a head start. It's never too late to learn if you want.
What would happen if I give my password to someone else?
We strongly discourage agent to give the password and the hand-phone to the third party. We leave the decision to you.
Can someone have the same password like I have?
No, you will be the only one having the password together with the hand-phone number you are having, there will be no identical hand-phone number so you do not have to be worry. You can even change the password from your personal last four digit NRIC / PASSPORT No / Co Reg. no to your any personal number you want from time to time.
Can a foreigner sign-up this hand-phone-business?
Yes, they can sign-up provided that they must have the legal document to proof that they are legal worker in this country .All they need was their passport last four digit number and their personal hand-phone number.
If my hand-phone account fund is getting low, how can I top-up the fund in my hand-phone?
Yes, you can top-up by paying to any of the 6 banks account number given by the company. All you need was to bank-in to SMS Biz SDN BHD and fax in the bank slip with your name, IC number and lastly the hand-phone number written on it or send SMS to our Careline Cnetre 012-2190002 regarding the bank slip details with bank name, bank location, date, time and amount you need to top up . To double confirm for the topping-up amount, you can phone-up the staff of the company to let them know.
What happen if I lost my hand-phone?
You need to phone-up the company and fill-in a new form again than fax to the company so that they can up-date the present phone number you newly have. The company will charge you RM 5.00 for this transaction.
Do I have to renew the registration fee next year?
No, There will be no renewal fee at all. The amount
of RM 18.00 which was collected at the very first time is for the lifetime registered.
How do I receive my commission ?
The commission you made from personal sales will automatically added on the spot through your hand-phone, as for the monthly over-riding and group over-riding commission, it will be also be added through your hand-phone in the middle of the following month after the closing sales for that month.
If I need the commission in cash term, how can I inform the company?
You need to check how much bonus commission you have received in your hand-phone than you can use the Cash Withdrawal System or call-up the company to let them know that how much you want. The company will disburse the amount you need and it will automatically be deducted from your hand-phone business account. The process request for cash withdrawal will take minimum 7 working days after taken into account. The check will be send to your home address stated in the register form.
If I don't have enough fund in my hand-phone, how can I do the business?
You can call up any of your friends who are agent like you by helping you using the Transfer account system from their hand-phone fund to you. You can also do by top-up in the bank and than fax in the amount bank slip with your name, hand-phone and your password number written on it. The company automatically key-in the amount you send through your hand-phone. The choice is yours
How can I know my present balance fund?
You need to key-in to Check Balance System area anytime you want, per transaction of the check balancing will be charge an amount of RM 0.15 will be deducted from the account.
What is the minimum age to sign-in as a agent?
The minimum age is 18 years old above and must have a introducer name and must be a agent of the company.
What are the requirement for a Corporate to send-in?
The applicant for the Cooperation must have certified true business copy Form 49, Form 24 or Form D.
What is the minimum amount business account top-up per transaction to my hand-phone?
The minimum top-up is RM 50.00 to Agent's account.
What happened if I ordered the coupon wrongly ?
The ordering of the coupon is at own risk. The company will not be responsible for this ordering. In the case of company fault, the company will bear the cost concern.
How much is the cost do the company deducted from my business account per transaction using SMS?
The deduction amount will be RM 0.15 on any SMS transaction been done.
How do I top-up if I have a coupon serial and pin number?
All you need is to follow the instruction from the top-up brochure given to you or you can ask the buyer to top-up himself. The choice is yours. Learning is never to late in life if you want to earn.
What is the different between the air-time talk given by the shop and our company?
The coupon you bought from the shop or through our Company, there will be no different, it's all the same. All the coupons distributed in the market by the Telecommunication Network Provider are all standardize
What happened if I don't maintain for that month?
The commission of all the over-riding of your agents below you will not be given to you. The commission will only be given out to those agents following the term and condition of the company.
Can I transfer my business account to another person?
No, you can't transfer your business account but you can just stop doing the business by letting the company knows by writing in.
Can I have two or more business account for this business?
No, you can only have one account .The company have the right to terminate you if they found out that there is two personal businesses under one personal name.
Can I sponsor a telecommunication shop to be my agent?
Yes, the only problem you will face is that it will be AUTOMATICALLY become a Cooperate Agent because they need to pay RM 518.00 and also they need to submit the BORANG D / FORM 49 or FORM 24 business license to the company. The company will then decide on the approval.
Can I use credit card to pay as an agent or top-up in my hand-phone?
No, all transaction is in cash term only
I stock-up more coupons to do business?
Yes, as it's stated that you only need at least RM 100.00 as a stock,
You can stock as much as you can afford.
What type of hand-phone network can I use to do this business?
There is no restriction of any hand-phone network regardless of registered line or prepaid line.
Will my next-of-kin receive my future income?
Yes, the next-of-kin need to show proof to the company to receive the income.
Will the commission for the coupon be the same all the time?
No, the commission given out will not be the same, it will be change if the Telcos changes.
Can the System of SMSBiz accept other languages?
No, the SMS must be in English language setting
If I resign myself from doing this business, will the company refund my outstanding balance?
Upon receipt of a written resignation letter SMS BIZ Sdn Bhd will issue a refund outstanding balance if any, to the agent. A charge of RM 3.00 is levied to the agent as administration fee.
If there is any changes, will the company inform the agents?
SMS BIZ Sdn Bhd reserves the right to make any amendments and changes in the term and condition as above without prior notice. The company will inform to all agents if any changes arising.

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