Welcome To HBA_02@yahoo.com's homepage!
Hiya, welcome to my little page...  Just call me by my screen name for now. (lol)  I'm origionally from West Virginia.  However I moved down to Raleigh, NC from Virginia.  I work at a local Wal*mart down here.  I am the Dept. Manager of HBA. (Health And Beauty Aids).  I just recently got the promotion to this position.  I am 22 years old and I celebrated my 3rd year wedding anniversary in April.  My husband is a store Manager at a Books-a-Million.  Well, I hope you folks enjoy this page....  :)
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[Ask Earl]
Hey everyone here's a pic of my fave...country star...Tim McGraw..  I can not think of even one song of his that I don't crave...  LOVE YA' TIM
So here's the deal.  I'm looking to make some friends.. So please e-mail me and let me know what you think.  Maybe I might finally have a friend in Raleigh.  If not chatting on the net is cool with me too.  Please sign my guestbook.  Talk to ya'll soon.    Hba_02@YAHOO.COM e-mail me at this address.  LATER!!!
Want to check some new stuff.  You've probably already been where I have..lol
That's about all I can think of at the moment anywho.  Have a Great day.  I'm gonna put some stuff at the bottom too.  I think  lol
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