
  Of Siamese descent, he is danger incarnate.
Always having to be the cute kitten, he is forever rolling
on his back or talking to you. A consumate snuggler and all
around lazy cat he also has brains that he gets from his 
mother Suess and can explode into motion at a moments notice. 
Or he can watch wait and plan figuring out things like 
folding doors :)

This is him when he was smaller than a sock :)

Exploring the vast uncharted spaces of the couch :)

Now he is large enough to chew on his mothers head
when he feels the need.

This is his friend Enrico.

As you can see it is a wholesome mutially beneficial relationship.

We find that mouse (as well as pens, vegetables and various odds and ends)

in shoes and on beds as proof of Tum's hunting prowness all the time.

 Home Run for the hills:)

<bgsound src="1983.mid" loop=infinite>