Aug. 30/31, 2003

Sunday Envelopes --  $3082.02
Loose Collection - $204.94

"You should each give, then, as you have
decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who give gladly.
2 Corinthians 9:7

Thank you!


Devin Howat
son of Henriette Howat;
Mary Brames
aunt of Jane Kryzanowski;
Willie Holtz,
brother-in-law of Adam & Marie Stober
Ruth Wahl
grandmother of Lori Kukura
John Robillard
brother of Albert Robillard
Frank Murphy
brother of Cal Murphy

If someone from your family has passed away and you would like them to be remembered by the community, please notify the office.


We like to acknowledge special anniversaries in the bulletin. If you are celebrating anniversaries of 25 years and over, please let us know. 

Congratulations to the following couples from our parish on the celebration of their wedding anniversary this month.

Huntley & Grace O'Connor - 31 years - Sept. 2

Dennis & Jeanette Pageot  - 38 years - Sept. 4

Gerry & Lynda Dubord - 39 years - Sept. 5

Nando & Anna Pieracci - 51 years - Sept. 6

Russ & Rita Bentley - 29 years - Sept. 7

Art & Margaret Weisgerber - 48 years - Sept. 30

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