Nintendo-Fire Simulator

What is new (v.2.2.1)    
-Minor graphics changes.

-Fixed W2000 incompatibility (by ccreating two version of the program,
 the standard version -supporting joystick- and the W2000 version -with
 no joystick support-)

What is new (v.2.1.0)    
-Joystick routines (minor updates))  
-Re-enabled display checking (remooved by mistake in the last version).    

-Added 'View the other side' in thhe menu, to view a back image of the  
 game (previously only available by double-clicking over a free place)
-Some web references updated (Abouut... window).  

What is new (v.2.0.0)

-The simulator comes now with an eeasy installer.  
 (simply by clicking the install button of your zip manager) 

-Added Joystick support!!! (may thhe first simulator with this option)  
 To configure the Joystick go to the 'Options -> Input...' menu.  

-Also in the 'Input' window you caan select the keyboard cursors to 
 control the game.

-Added Load/Save game (F12/F11) whhich allows to save and restore a
 game (A or B) at any point (specially useful to avoid the boring of
 the first points and go directly to the hard part!)    

-New intro screen (showing the gamme box image).  

-'Extended high scores' and the otthers options was moved to the
 'Options' sub-menu.

-New help routine which include thhe real game manual
 (thanks to Nokrum for the scans!)  
 You can also launch the 'game manual' separately by executing
 the application with '/manual' option (Gw-Fire.exe /manual)  

-Interface updated. 

-A lot of Graphics and code improvvements.

-Tested on W95/W98/Wme/W2000!

What is new (v.1.2.1)

-Added mouse right-button menu.
 (to be in sync with other simulators)

-Added (by users requests) cursor  keys control.    
 (you will need to change the entry 'Use DirectionKeys' to 1    
  under [Nintendo-Fire Simulator] [Setup] registry) 

-A little change in the 'About...'' routine.

What is new (v.1.2.0)

-Fixed incorrect AM/PM time on somme systems.

-Fixed Windows 2000 incompatibilitty.

-Added 'Extended High score' suppoort (top five records)
 for Game A and Game B.

-Added sound cache.

-Improved Color/Contrast.

-Some minor changes.
