Jaz Asks in Category Nutrition & Dieting:
I have been on the South Beach diet for 1 1/2 months now and I have some questions on it. I did
lose 10 pounds in the first 2 weeks but haven't lost a single pound since. I still am staying away
from white flour and eating whole wheat only. I have introduced fruit back into my diet, drink tons
of water and have been exercising moderately. I am constipated all the time since starting this
diet and must take Metamucil to go. I don't feel like I have energy like I used to. This diet claims
that belly fat is the first to go yet my belly is as big now as when I started. Can you shed some
light as to what the heck is going on? Thanks!
To be honest, I am not very familiar with the South Beach Diet Program and details but there are
some basics that apply to nutrition, fitness and weight management that may shed some light

The fact that you lost 10 pounds the first week is wonderful, but you probably could have said the
same thing with ANY program. Why? Because the biggest change was not your diet, but your
mindset! You were determined to achieve a goal, and had the determination to put your will over
your stomach to follow a regimen.

Eating things like oats and whole wheat are usually great for improving the digestion system and
making bowel movements easier. However, too much of a good thing becomes a bad thing
because then they clog up the system.

There seems to be a mystery here though, because tons of water, exercise, and fruits should
help avoid constipation as well. Maybe you should keep a journal for a week or two and have a
professional review it. Chances are, you guesstimation of what you are doing is not matching

For example, I have clients who think they are eating well - upon close inspection - they may be
selecting the better food choices, but their PORTIONS are 3 - 4 times the product recommended
portion. So again, too much of a good thing, became a bad thing, but they did not realize it, till
they kept a journal that said - 4 cups of pasta. That is 3 cups too many for one serving.

Diet CLAIMS are just that! CLAIMS! As far as the way your body dumps and destroys fat has a
lot to do with GENETICS! For example, there are some people with skinny legs but a fat face,
arms, chest and belly. There are some that have drawn faces, skinny arms, almost no boobs,
but a pooch at the bottom of their belly, disproportionate hips and thighs. These are exreme
examples of course but I am sure you have seen people like this.

Even if their weight as per the scale says they are in the range for healthy, these people are not
happy with their appearance. The fact is, GENETICS determines where that one ounce of fat will
settle, and genetics determines where that first ounce of fat will go away from as a result of your
fitness and nutrition efforts.

Exercise CAN RESHAPE YOUR BODY but it is not a trial and error self managed effort that will
achieve that goal. There is an actual science to it and if you can afford a Personal Trainer for a
few weeks to get you rocking and rolling that will be a great idea!

For example, my body type used to be the skinny upper body, heavy hips. I looked like a pear. I
manipulated the theories of Personal Training to widen my shoulders and back to create more of
a V-shape. I still have heavier than I like thighs because when I lose weight, genetically I lose it
from my upper body first and to get to the size I like in my lower body I would look disgusting in
As far as not having the energy like you used to - FOOD is your ENERGY SOURCE so you
really need to review the validity of this diet. Personally, any program that cannot be permanent
is not one I recommend EXCEPT IN A FEW CASES AS A TEMPORARY measure.

The body tends to use carbs first as its energy source. A quick nutritional lesson is as follows:
carbohydrates are out GO foods (energy)
Proteins are our GROW foods (physcial growth and cellular regeneration)
Fruits and Veges are our GLOW foods (so we look and feel healthy).
These are broad generalizations of food but I think you get the picture.

So while I cannot specifically speak on the South Beach Diet program, I hope I helped "shed
some light as to what the heck is going on".

All the best in health and fitness
Trudy Beerman
Health Coach
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Nutrition101 | anorexia | missing menstruation | Overweight vegetarian | Quality nutrition vs
| Third World carbs | Dietary fat and calcim in bones | Calories and body size |
| PT nutri advice | fad diets | gaining weight | South Beach