* (206) 568-5919


Microsoft Games Division, Redmond, WA			2000-2002
        Production Artist, "Crimson Skies 2" (Xbox) 
        Senior 3D Artist, "Halo" (Xbox) 
	Senior 3D Artist, "MechWarrior 4" (PC)
        multi-player level design for "Halo" and "Crimson Skies 2" 
	modelled buildings and landscapes
	2D manual art for "Mario Sunshine Kingdoms" and "Train Sim"

Angel Studios, Carlsbad, CA				1999
	Senior 3D Artist, "Savage Quest" (arcade)
	level design and environments 
	made 20% of the levels in 3 months

Zombie Virtual Reality Entertainment, Seattle, WA	1996-1998
        3D Artist, "Spec Ops: U.S. Army Rangers" (PC, Playstation)
        level design, modeling vehicles, weapons, buildings, and environments
        created art for PC, Playstation, and 3DFX formats

Leaping Lizard Software, Gaithersburg, MD		1995-1996
        Lead artist, "Raider" -- did low-polygon LOD real-time monsters, 
        textures maps and screen art for PC and Playstation formats
        Artist and Monster-Maker, "Warhammer 40,000: Dark Crusaders"
        Logo design and graphic design, including art for www pages

Battlespace, Inc., Arlington, VA			1994-1995
        Graphic artist -- did 2-D and 3-D computer models of Missile systems,
        Scud missile transport, Predator UAV, diesel and nuclear submarines
        Animations include insertion of SEAL team, Harbor and SAM reconnaissance
        Secret security clearance

Proficiency in the following:
        Texture mapping         Model making            Level design
        3D Studio MAX           Maya                    Revision Control
        Caligari Truspace       Lightwave               POV-Ray
        Form-Z                  Electric Image          Photoshop
        Game design and vertex lighting design
        WWW page design
        Video and still camera techniques and editing
        Graphic design and photo manipulation skills

        1990-1994 Savannah College of Art and Design
        major: computer animation; minor: art history

References available upon request