All About Me (Updated 5/11/07)
A section about me.

Funny Stuff (Updated 1/10/08)
All the funny stuff I've collected...and done.

Book Quotes (Updated 2/3/07)
Quotes from books I've read.

Popular Myths: Debunked (Updated a long time ago)
In this section, I'm examining so-called "facts" and showing them for what they really are: myths.

Opinion Pieces (Updated a long time ago)
My opinions on various issues.

My Links (Updated 12/22/06)
All the sites that I like to visit. You will too!

Did you know that...
Lists a bunch of little known home cures for some common ailments.

Contact Info
Looking for a debate? Want to correct me on something? Just wanna chat? Here's my AIM and email.


1/10/08-Updated the "Gourmet Jokes" section.
11/20/07-Updated the "Gourmet Jokes" section. I don't really have time for this site right now, so it'll just be "Gourmet Jokes" from now on.
8/15/07-Updated the "Gourmet Jokes" section.
6/23/07-Changed the Welcome page. Did some coding changes. I should recode the whole site, but that would take far too much time.
6/4/07-Updated the "Gourmet Jokes" and "Jokes" sections. Several good updates in "Gourmet Jokes." Changed the site's name to "Lenza's Lair." Because I felt like changing it.
5/11/07-Added "The Geneseo Squirrel" in the "About Me" section. Updated "Photoshop Pictures." Updated "Jokes." Updated "Teacher Quotes." Changed the logo at the top and the music.
3/21/07-Been busy. Added more jokes.
2/3/07-Added a new joke. Added some more "Book Quotes."
1/1/07-Happy New Year! Updated the "Gourmet Jokes" with some good ones.
2/5/05-Site Created!




Unless otherwise stated, everything on this site is © Copyright 2005-2007 by Samuel Forlenza. Don't steal. Just ask.