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January 1,2001: Site Debuts!

That's right! we're here and coming at you in living html baby! You've just stumbled upon the abso-friggin-lute nerdiest New Year's celebration EVER! How nerdy is it, well I'll tell ya...

A long time ago, like, almost three weeks ago, me and my friend Arrghman had an idea. Everyone would be celebrating the new year and furthermore be celebrating the OFFICIAL new millennium as well. People would be getting drunk, going to parties, and getting laid. LAME! Well, except for the getting laid part, but that's not going to happen to any of us in the near future so that idea's out the window ^_^. We figured we'd have our own party too, only this one would be a nerdy party. This would be...a LAN party.

What? You did that too? I don't care, because we did what nobody else has done. It was simply too out there. We performed the HEAD SHOT OF THE MILLENNIUM. That's right, in Unreal Tournament we performed a head shot via sniper rifle at exactly 00:00:00 1/1/2001. The first and only head shot of the millennium. It'll be another 1,000 years before someone can copy us and do it again.

I'll give you all a moment to soak in just how amazing that is.

If you weren't one of the 5 or so people there, then you're probably thinking, "big whoop. There's no proof." Oh yes there is. In fact we have not one but TWO video clips proving that it occured and are provided to you thanks to our good friends over at fileplanet. Witness history being made in all it's RealVideo glory.

Is anyone else as excited about this as I am?!

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