Daniel Garza, Jr's. Testimony

I was born January 24, 1954 in Eagle Pass, Texas.  I am married to Valinda Garza, one-daughter 26, years old; her name is Sara Elia Garza.

On September 29, 1997, I had a life changing experience that has completely changed my life around.  I hadn't been to church in a long time but was invited by my neighbor Jose Cruz Luna to attend a meeting that night to hear him play the guitar.  I had never been to a church like this before, so I really did not know what to expect.  The visiting preacher, Steve Correll, from Cincinnati, asked if anyone wanted to give their heart completely to Jesus...to be total his and ask Him into their heart.  I was one who raised my hand.  He called us up and led us in a prayer for salvation.  When he prayed for me, it felt as if the Lord had put his hands in my heart and used streams of living water to cleanse my heart.  God touched my innermost being.

From that, day on; there has been a tremendous change in my life.  It is just as it is stated in Two Corinthian (5:17) "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come".

I have learned that the Lord has given me the gift of healing, a remarkable ability that comes from the Lord, with whom I am in close communication.  I now practice, "Laying of the Hands" whenever I am called.  God uses me to touch people, they fall, receive liberation, they are healed, receive Salvation, and they feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.  In this short time God has used me to touch people in Eagle Pass, Del Rio, Uvalde, San Antonio, Austin, Victoria, Houston, Dallas, Mt. Vernon, Mt. Pleasant, Texas; Piedras Negras, Veracruz, Palenque: Chiapas, Mexico and Santa Maria, California.

Powerfull healing and anointing of Joy flowed in through Brother Daniel Garza.  Lives were changed Healing of bodies, souls, and spirits were poured out.  BLINDED EYES RECEIVED SIGHT.  One man testified after prayer how wonderful it was to be able to see.  Another woman jumped and shouted "THANK YOU JESUS FOR HEALING ME" AND TESTIFIED OF HER LONG TERM BACK PAIN BEING GONE.  One man had to have a designated driver.  All these happen at the Christian Worship Center in Mt. Vernon, Texas.  Jesus is the healer and is healing all you have to have is faith and believe.  Daniel Garza does not heal it's all about Jesus.  All the Glory goes to him.  St. Matthew (21:22)---And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.


I feel so gratful that our Lord has chosen me.  I now walk with Christ in my life and helping others to do the same.  Nothing is impossible for our Lord, Jesus Christ.  There have been so many beautiful events and moments since I received Christ in my life.  Believe me, Brothers and Sisters, there is a God.  All you need to have is faith and open your heart to him.

He is looking for people with a hungry heart and will use you for his Glory.  First Samuel (16:7)---But the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him; for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.


Thank You Jesus!!
Please feel free to call me or email at the following location:

River of Life Church
Pastor: Dallas Wauson
Daniel Garza, Jr.
Healing Ministry
P.O. Box 1406
Eagle Pass, Texas 78853
Church Telephone: (830)773-5580
Church email: epriver@wcsonline.net
Home Telephone: (830)773-1356
email: healerdan@wcsonline.net

Please send your prayer request we need to work together in unity.  Psalm 104:4, "Again He makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire."