
Serving Simcoe County since 1998!

Using Hypnosis for Substance Abuse

In North America every year more and more people abuse substances such as tobacco, alcohol, and drugs . There are many methods of overcoming such abuse ... drug programs to help withdrawal, Anonymous groups to help with motivation and willpower, and many other forms of therapy. If these have not worked for you then hypnotherapy is for you.

In the case of tobacco: smoking sets up a "smoke screen" so we no longer see what is bothering us.

For alcohol and drugs: these deaden the pain so we no longer have to be aware of the pain in our lives.

When we go through the withdrawal the emotional pain comes back and we must still deal with it. No pill, patch, gum, willpower or motivation will help us deal with the pain we have been avoiding up till now.

Heal the pain and take back YOUR life!

We book three sessions, one week apart, this is all most people need. If there is more work to be done we can explore this after the third session.

In the first session, with hypnotherapy, we rewrite our old habits and learn new ones. We will also learn stress coping techniques that are healthy and useful in many situations. A personal tape is made so you may practice in the comfort of your home as it takes about 30 days to learn a new habit.

The second and third sessions will help get at the issues and emotional pains you are hiding from. We will learn new ways of dealing with the issues or work through the pain. Releasing the pain will now make the rest of your healthy choice easier for you. Becoming substance free!

In rare instances there may be a need for extra sessions. This may happen in cases of severe trauma from emotional or sexual abuse. We will work together to bring about emotional healing from these cases.

The Top Ten Reasons
to Keep Smoking

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