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Sports, Fitness & Excercise
If you play sports or work out, our drinks and tablets can help give you an energy boost, help build muscle tone and enhance utilization of nutrients. Play with energy to spare, and get ahead at work!
~Bulk & Muscle Formula
Healthy Woman
We?ve combined the precise blends of herbs, botanicals and vitamins that you need for stress management, urinary tract health, hot flashes, disrupted sleep patterns, a healthy heart and to minimize PMS. The result? You?ll feel as great as you?ll look.
~Woman's Choice
Digestive Health
Herbalife?s digestive health products recognize the important role nutrition plays in supporting the body?s ability to remove health-robbing toxins as well as maintaining a healthy colon environment.
~21-Day Herbal Cleansing Program
Healthy Aging
Studies show that aging reduces absorption of critical nutrients. Bones thin and joints creak, memory dims and fatigue becomes all too common. Herbalife can help you start feeling your best and enjoying life to the fullest.
~Joint Support - Glucosamine with Herbs
Healthy Heart
According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is a leading cause of death amongst people 35 - 54. Now is the time to consider what you can do to ensure a healthy heart.