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Bubble Poems

Ode to a Bubble

Bubbles, bubbles all around -
Both big and small ones to be found!
Some offer fun and tricks for you,
While others have their jobs to do!

The bubbles that you blow up high
Can catch a breeze and almost fly!
With bubble tricks you'll be the best
And show your skills to all the rest!

Detergent bubbles can get mean
To get your clothes and dishes clean.
Their power comes from plants or oil -
They do thier job to bust your soil!

It's true that bubles can be fun
But then, when all their work is done
It's down the drain to meet their fate
And Poof! They just evaporate!

Blowing Bubbles
Margaret Hillert

Dip your pipe and gently blow.
Watch the tiny bubble grow
Big and bigger, round and fat,
Rainbow-colored, and then

Soap Bubbles

Soap bubble, soap bubble,
Floating in the breeze,
Upward, upward,
Above the house and trees.

I wish that I were tiny;
I wish that I were small,
Small enough to fit inside
That shiny little ball.

The wind would rock me gently
As I am looking down
At bug-like people
In a little tiny town.

Bug-like people
Rushing here and there
As I am floating gently
In my bubble in the air.

B is for Bubbles

Benny bought a bubble loop
For bubbles big and small.
He blew so many bubbles,
He couldn't count them all.

Along came Benny's brother,
Who's always on the run.
He spilled the bubble liquid,
Which ruined Benny's fun.

Benny did not get upset.
He knew what he could do.
He made more bubble liquid.
It's easy - you can, too!

Bubble Trouble

When I'm blowing a bubble,
it's always a sphere -

With a dipper that's square,
rounded bubbles appear.

With a three-sided dipper,
I still get round bubbles.

Blowing bubbly cubes
is giving me troubles!