It hurts so deep
Where did I go wrong?
I loved you so much
But you're gone.

I want you beside me
Just one more hug.
I turn to hold you
But you're gone.

What thought did you have?
Why jump the fence?
I scream out your name
But you're gone.

With you are buried
All my hopes and dreams.
My security for the future
'Cause you're gone.

You were the only one
I could trust beyond doubt,
But I can't get you back
'Cause you're gone.

I never did finish you
When it came to the shows.
Our time just ran out
'Cause you're gone.

I wish I could tell you
What you meant to me.
You were my partner, my playmate, my friend.
Now you're gone.

I can't turn off my thoughts
Or shake the despair.
Life won't be the same
Now you're gone.

No one to greet me
With such flourish and flare.
Eyes and feet dancing
Now you're gone.

K...for the kindness you did impart.
A...for the abundance of love in your heart.
T...for the trust you had till the end.
O...for the only one I trusted as my friend.

Shimbi's Kato Sept. 3/88 - Dec. 1/91 May you rest in peace. I still miss you.

copyrite protected. Please get permission from writer prior to any use.