Cavy stuffs

Guineapig related stuffs!

Guinea pigs are unfortunately not so "famous" like rabbits. Althought guinea pig stuffs does excist!
Info in this page are not completed, will be updated.
  This guinea pig is a handmade one from the German brand "Knopf in Ohr". Every guinea pig has different fur-pattern and color. Quite expensive: ca 320 FF. (Gallery Lafayet, Paris, France - June 1992)
Found this Guinea pig onboard "Silja Line", the Baltic cruise ferry. This teddy were also sold at the Gasoline-station-chain "OK" in Sweden during Cristmas 1997. Price 42.50 SEK (Silja Line, Finland - April 1998)
  Most probably a guineapig. A gift from my mother who found it in a south-american-shop in Stockholm. Ca 50 Skr. (El Indo?, Old Town, Stockholm, Sweden - 1980-th)
  (LEFT) Jag och mitt marsvin (Me and my guinea pig) by Mark Evans
The Swedish version of Mark Evan´s guineapig guide. ISBN zzzz. Price ca 89 SEK
(RIGHT)Bilbo och SJärnöga (Bilbo and Stjärnöga) by Hans Noring
A book written by a Swedish photographer, a guide/story of two guinea-pigs of his children. ISBN zzzz. Price ca 119 SEK
Guinea pigs as a hobby
A book with a lot of picture in English. ISBN zzzz. Ca 5 punds. (London, Great Britain, 1992)
(LEFT) Marsvinet och jag (Guinea pig and me)
(RIGHT) Mitt första marsvin (My first Guinea pig)
Guinea pig guides in Swedish, original in German for both
  25 FIM, reduced price. (Pet shop in Helsinki, Finland, May 1998)

I have more stuffs but no pics. I will add them soon!

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