As Sprirtualists, we believe in the following Seven Principles....
1. The Source of all is Universal Love.

2. The Unity of Creation.

3. Spiritual Healing and Guidance from Spirit Friends, Teachers, and Angels.
4. The Exsistance and Identity of the Individual continue after Death.

5. Personal Responsibility for All Aspects of our lives.

6. We Create our lives through our Words, Thoughts, and Actions.

7. Eternal Progress and Enlightenment open to every Soul.
These Principles are only Guidelines with Liberty of Interpretation....
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Here is a good site that teaches meditation

Dunedin  Spiritualist Church, Dunedin, New Zealand

Here are the websites of some who have made a difference in my life

Friends in Spirit School run by a good friend Marie Kirkwood

Pam Sauer - who was a Minister at Dunedin Spiritualist Church

Victor McGill - Pam's husband/writer and member of the church

David (Dacjo) McGill