From Chaos to Logos

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Readings: Genesis 1.1-3, 24-31a Colossians 1.15-20 John 1.1-14

In the beginning.......................................................................................................... dwrrdrwoorwoodrdowowodrodowropdordrfwdrrrrroowwwdddddwwoooddrrwww..
.wwwwwwwwoooooooorrrrrrrrddddddd...word word word WORD...

"And God said..." (Gen 1.3) "In the beginning was the WORD" (John 1.1)

Out of choas God put things into order by His Word - "the logos". "And God said" - this gives us the keynote to the Creation Story. Even after the separation of the heavenly bodies and the earth this world was void, formless, darkness, El Nino, La Nina or whatever mystery unknown and unconceivable to us. So the first chapter of Genesis tells us that God is in full control, acting all the time. We read that God "created, made, divided, called, set, formed, planted, took, commanded, blessed ..." but the most frequent word is "said" !

To speak is to express the will and make things happen, to become...... "And God said... And it was so." God said, "Let there be... and there was..." He spoke and it was done.

Elsewhere in the Bible we have.. "the worlds were framed by the WORD of God"; "....upholding all things by the word of his power."

The LINK between "God" the Creator and "Man" representing all created things is in "HIS WORD". Between "nothing" and "something"; "non-existence" and "eternal life"; "disorder" and "order"; "death" and "life" there comes only the Word. The "impossible" becomes "possible" !

Preparation for Christmas begins today with this original fiat - Jesus Christ is the Word (Logos) of God saving the world (of chaos). While on earth, True to Himself , His word is power. "Just say the word" was the Centurion's prayer of faith.

Jesus SAID. Lazarus, come forth ! Young man, arise ! Damsel, arise ! Be opend ! Walk ! and in each case, it was so !

It is so now. The WORD is still the link for the spiritually dead, deaf, dumb and crippled. He speaks to us in our creation and in our preservation. Here then is the Gospel of Jesus Christ:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God .....and the word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth."