Best Places To Search The Web:

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YAHOO - Experience! Finance, quotes, news, clubs and Geocities.

AOL Net Find - Comprehensive refined search, international, Dmoz driven.
AltaVista - Depth, reach and all business. Boolean power search tabs.
Lycos - Infonautics, MP3, FTP, Tripod, related news, popular insight.
Excite - News, companies, profiles, word select and people.
Google - Popular. Unique select, Linux, Uncle Sam, a top listing and MacGoogle.
Microsoft - Related topic list, city guides, AltaVista option, Keyword Central.
Netscape - Excite or choose, Google secondary, Net keywords and shortcuts.
GO - Infoseek ABC answer network.
I Won - CBS and top results. Shopping engine, power search by date plus.

Hotbot - Electronic Library, Webmonkey, Lycos and Lexiquest!
GoTo - Grab bag, popular and related searches. New directory.
LookSmart - Search ability, Ask a Pro. Over 70 city selections.
Dog Pile - Top picks from top sites, Thunderstone.
Deja News - Discussion comparison by searching or browsing.
Snap - Search and directory. Local- national media powerhouse- NBC.
Northern Light - Ask questions, search select, Govbot, custom folders.
All The Web - is the fastest. Shock jocks.
Canada - Choose the city, U.S enabled, front page news.

Inference Find - Parallel search engine that then weighs results.
Info Please - Almanac, encyclopedia dictionary and news behind the news.
Direct Hit - Popular companion of Ask Jeeves, Lycos ... and then some.
Info Tiger - growls in the U.S. Unedited search voyeur.
Oingo - Meaning based- search- based meaning.
Magellan - Large print - voyeur - clean site.
National Directory - Good search, short directory, U.S. deep!
DMOZ - Komodo dragon. Nearly 1,500,000 web sites.
Mega Spider - Three list choices, topic lists, All The Web.

About - Surprise Button, guides, and a favorite online chat resource.
SimpleSearch - a deep short list, bid review placement, search connect.
Find What - New, blue, golden and no mold-in.
Starting Point - Real city guides, Zip code select and Powersearch Assistant.
A Buzz - New Question- Answer search.
Galaxy - To many unique categories to list, frequent word output.
Seek On - Small business promotion engine.
Webcrawler - View 25 per page. Great tool box. Deja News button, Stock Active.
Search Europe - European financial news, what's new, cool and random link.

Compuserve - Personalized network portal, Net help center and bargains.
Buzz - Local or natural language mega search from Bell South and AJ.
Curry Guide - Global metasearch. Pop clock, random link, today in history.
Highway 61 - Virtual mirror, search (time) selector, interfused thoughts.
Metagopher - Yahoo, GoTo, Looksmart, Hotbot, Go results and direct links.
Search Spaniel - Choose which engines to compare.
Metafind - Clean and therefore returns a massive list.
The Big Hub - From ISleuth. Megasearch including news and specialty sections.
Dot Com Directory - Registar! Company info- distance, who is.

Go2net - Network! Discussion, hot topics, interesting destinations, city customize. A Force.