I am the Lord. That is my name. I will not give my glory to another. I will not let idols take the praise that should be mine.
Isaiah 42:8

It is good to praise the Lord, to sing praises to God Most High.

Psalm 92:1

Wisdom begins with respect for the Lord. And understanding begins with knowing God, the Holy One.

Proverbs 9:10


Names of God

Abba   Adonai   Almighty   Creator   Elohim

Elroi Elshaddai Elyon Father Jehovah

Lord Master Yahweh

Polar Bear Facts

The polar bear has a thick coat that can vary from pure white to light brown, depending on the season. Male polar bears, called boars, can weigh 770 to over 1,400 pounds. Female polar bears, called sows, weigh about 330 to 550 pounds. But the biggest polar bear ever known was a male weighing 2,209 pounds and measuring twelve feet long. These expert swimmers are kept warm in cold water by their 4 inch thick layer of blubber or fat. Their nostrils actually close up under the water and they can easily swim for many hours at a time. After a long swim, they may enjoy a meal of seal, walrus, or whale.

Maze Craze

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