You made my whole being. You formed me in my mother's body.

Ps 139:13

I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way.

Ps 139:14

All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old.

Ps 139:16


God Is:

eternal   exalted   faithful   gracious   holy

jealous just kind loving merciful

patient perfect personal spirit steadfast

strong truthful wise worthy zealous

The Cold Facts

The Chinese invented the cold treat we know as "ice cream" around 200 B.C., by making a soft, milk & rice mixture and adding snow. The first hand-crank ice cream freezer was invented in 1846 by Nancy Johnson and in 1851, a milk dealer in Baltimore converted his milk plant into the first ice cream plant in the United States. In 1921, the comissioner of Ellis Island made the decision to treat all incoming immigrants to a taste of something truly American, by serving them ice cream as part of their first meal. The average American now enjoys about 25 pints of ice cream each year with vanilla as the favorite flavor.

Maze Craze

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