Show Memories

What is it?

That is the question.
It appears that this device bundles something. The string is mounted on the bottom and threaded through a non-sharp needle and attaches to the top. The opening to place a bundle of something is quite small. The top holds the tying mechanism, placing the knot just above the table. The current owner of this machine purchased it in the condition in this photo and is now in the process of restoring it. Cleaning and making it operational is quite easy. Restoring it to the original color might be another matter. The driving power was more than likely a gasoline engine. Evidence on the mountings tends to indicate this. The current Briggs is not the original, although it does come from the same period of time.

Country school house

On the left, you see the inside of a country schoolhouse. As it was many, many years ago. The teacher came early and fired up the wood stove warming up the classroom as much as possible. Some of the children that arrived early would bring water from the outside well and fill the jug close to the wood stove, which in turn prevented the water from freezing. This schoolhouse had electricity. One of the more modern conveniences found in rural schools. Schoolbooks and teaching aids were state of the art for this time in history. Many a student can say that it was a great time in their life with many stories. As the schools closed down and students went to the larger more crowded schools the feeling of closeness was gone along with the rural setting for the school

LeSeuer Show grounds

This little preview on the grounds of the LeSueur County Pioneer Power show in 1997. That year was the Minneapolis Moline featured. As you can see, the color is mostly that particular color. The year prior was John Deere. These shows bring back memories for many people. The old for using them and young for hearing about them. This three-day event brings crowds of people for all over the country. Parking is available next to the grounds with shuttle service to the show grounds. Camping is also provided on the north side of the grounds for the exhibitors and people wanting to spend the three days they are taking all the sites in.

Horse Power

It may be hard to tell exactly what is happening here. The Horses are going around a center, pulling a pole, attached to a gear setup and shaft. There is a long spinning shaft coupled next to the ground that the horses must step across. At the end of the shaft is a pulley that is belted up to a trashing machine. I can see this would be very hard work. Walking miles and miles in a circle. Watching the demonstration some of the horses liked to pull more than others. It was the job of the walking person to keep the pulling as even as possible. I can bet in those early days there was a team that would do it by them selves without someone driving the rains. It would all be a matter of training.
