My Work and what I do.

Work Place

I work for a small company very near my home, which was not always the case. Earlier in my career, I drove to the Twin cities for work. The mileage was not that excessive but the time in traffic made for a very long day. When my preceding job decided to close the doors for reasons of there own, I need to change my work direction, career and find a job closer to home.

I started work here when the company was small a little over 20 years ago. I met and worked with the owner of the company. His enthusiasm and genuine care for his employees and their families made the company grow and excel. Being on the ground floor and seeing the change is something; not everyone has a chance to experience in his or her life times.

Changes are not always easy, actually it can be one to the hardest feats in one's life. From departing from the blanket and thumb when a very small child, to loving the gal or guy that you throw mud balls at just a few days earlier. As your business or company grows, courage, commitment, dedication and perseverance will be the key to success. Everyone concerned, involved with team work accomplishes growth of oneself and one's business. We all need each other and working together the task will be completed.


In the industrial environment, machines that go zip, chunk and whir are in need electrical logic for proper sequence of operation. I am involved in the implementation and design of these logic programs. The exciting aspect of my work is seeing the machines work precisely the way they are designed to operate. I am just one of many people making our lives just a little bit better with automation.

The job a person chooses should be one he or she loves to do. Usually the financial part will follow in most circumstances. Job satisfaction and growth will come with perseverance and dedication to one's dreams.
