Chuck's World O' Webmania

Hello! Welcome to my homepage! This is where I get to show off my skills at html authoring, site construction, and computer art, and you get to take advantage of my extensive knowledge of computers, including hardware, software, and trivia! You will also meet my family and I, including pets, look at my oldest daughter's wedding pictures, hear all about how I got into this stuff, and hear the sad story of my son's death. There's a lot of stuff on this top page so be sure and look over the entire thing.

Here's a picture of me. Click here to hear my voice.

Table o'Contents

My background
My job My resumé updated
My family This link was updated! Suicide touches my family
My hobbies
My hotlist
You are also welcome to sign or view my guestbook. Guestbook by Lpage - The Official Site
STOP SPAM!!! Proud member of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy

Opposing pro-spam legislation
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If you want to help in the fight to control spam by adding your web site to the protest ring, click here.

IMPORTANT!!! If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide PLEASE check this link out first!!
Parents and relatives of teen-agers, this has helped to prevent teen suicide:
Yellow Ribbon Campaign
Light for Life Foundation

SOSR logo Survivor's Award
This is the Home Page for the Survivors of Suicide Web Ring
Although it might seem confusing, what I mean by "Survivors of Suicide" is that they are the survivors, after a family member, friend, co-worker, acquaintance, classmate, or pupil, successfully completes suicide. There is support out there on the Net for people that have attempted suicide and survived, but this ring wasn't really meant for that.
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If you want to request that your site be added to the ring, click here and follow the instructions.
Member sites, to change your site info, click here.

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Last updated: Tuesday, April 7th, 1999

© 1998 Chuck Harding All rights reserved.
(I have removed all "mailto" tags to prevent spamming - please use my guest book to contact me. Thanks for your cooperation) Please don't send mail to me - use my guestbook instead. Thanks.
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