About Us

(With relatives, friends and genealogy files at the bottom of the page!)

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We're newlyweds of 21 years!

Electrical engineer with a B.S from Brigham Young University and an M.S. from San Diego State University. Works at SPAWAR Systems Center, San Diego.
Photo of Jeff

Bachelor's degree in music from Brigham Young University. She home-schooled our kids for 7 years.
Photo of Ruth

Here are our 5 incredible kids:

age 19 - started college at age 12, graduated with honors with A.S. in math at age 15 - pianist - vocalist - studying math at Brigham Young University
Here's Carrie during her graduation ceremony. (She's the short one.)
Read about her in this front page story that appeared in the Daily Californian. Here's part 2.
Photo of Carrie

age 17 - GPA above 4.0 - numerous awards - church organist and choir pianist - vocalist - first student ever accepted as a freshman into Bel Cantos (advanced H.S. choir)
She spoke at her 8th grade promotion and is shown here with one of her academic awards.
Photo of Annette

age 12 - math whiz - studying piano - Boy Scout
Photo of Tyler

age 9 - loves to read - little lady - loves animals
Photo of Stephanie

age 7 - fun loving - always energetic - loves school
Photo of Emily

Relatives, friends and genealogy files

Jeff's brother Rob's wedding pictures.
Every Christmas we gather around Baby Jesus in our Nativity Pageant.
Here you will find us mingling with relatives at the Basinger's 1997 New Year's Party.
Take a look at Ruth's youngest sister. What a babe!
Three stunning cousins: Shannon, Valorie, and Holly Hotchkiss.
The amazing Logan family! Another baby has been born since this photo was taken!
Some family GEDCOM (genealogy) files:
Beckman, - King, - Sorensen, - and another (older?) Sorensen

© 1997 pianoru@abac.com