Cool Links!

I do not necessarily agree with all views set forth on the following pages.

  • Journey to a More Biblical Theology (My dad's website)
  • Tom Hick's Homepage
  • The Sam-Man's Cool Christian Music Homepage
  • Gospel Communication Network's Homepage
  • Bryan's Christian Homepage
  • Karen's Greek 'n' Stuff Homepage
  • Lukas' Homepage

    Homeschool Links

    Curriculum Publishers

  • A Beka Books
  • The Swap -- Used Books
  • Excellence in Education
  • Jensen's Grammar
  • Lukas' Homepage
  • Saxon Math Publishers --Recommended!
  • The Robinson Self-Teaching Curriculum
  • Apologia Educational Ministries -- Recommended!
  • Alpha Omega Publications
  • Go Back to My Homepage!

    Go to Geocities' Main Homepage!