Avi's Kosher General Humor Page

Bald spot
No. of Fingers
A Modest Survey
Soviet Union
Product Quotes

Bald spot

A balding gentleman goes to a dermatologist, who tells him to buy a rabbit and put it on his head.

"A rabbit?" asked the man. "How will that help?"

"Well, from a distance it looks like hare," the doctor said.

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No. of Fingers

Two professors of theoretical mathematics were debating how many fingers people have.

"Nine!" -- said one.
"Ten!" -- the other insisted.
Unable to convince one another through logical induction or proof, they decided to count.
"I say there are ten!" said one, lifting up his hands. "Go ahead and count!"
"Zero, one, two, three,..." began the other.

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Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. (Mark Twain)

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Two cows are having a chat (sh*moo*zing?) in the English countryside:
One cow says to the other: "Bert, aren't you worried about this terrible new disease that everyone's talking about?"
"Not at all," answers Bert.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm a squirrel."

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A Modest Survey

A pollster approaches an American. a Pole, a mainland Chinese, and an Israeli and says to each, "Excuse me. What is your opinion of the meat shortage?"
The American: "What's a 'shortage'?"
The Pole: "What's 'meat'?"
The Chinese: "What's an 'opinion'?"
The Israeli: "What's 'excuse me'?"

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Soviet Union

A man in Kiev in 1952 gets a letter from Moscow's CSBMV (Central Soviet Bureau of Motor Vehicles). At last, his request to buy a car has been approved.
Immediately, he calls Kiev's CDLDA (Central Department of Licencing and Distribution of Automobiles) and is given an appointment for Tuesday, October 3, 1963.
"Morning or Afternoon?" he asks.
"Tavahrisch!" laughs the official. "That's ten years from now! What difference is it to you if you come in the morning or the afternoon?"
"Well," says the man, "the plumber's coming in the morning..."

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Product Quotes

Silly quotes from actual consumer product packages and instructions, as well as from newspapers:

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