Harlech-Jones Dewulf Family

Menu Buttons Welcome to the Harlech-Jones/Dewulf family page. Here you will find our information on our names, likes, dislikes and our CV's. We each have a special page, so please take a look.

To navigate in our page you can use the buttons to the left or the text links below. Our links include SF/Fantasy and travel links in Namibia.

This page is under continous developement, so please come back often and take a look. Constructive advise is always welcome. On the other hand, if you would like advice for your page drop us a line.

The Harlech-Jones/Dewulf family currently consists of four members:

Hot Wayne has set up a bookstore in association with Amazon.com. It contains books by some of his favourite authors. Relatively small at the moment, it nevertheless contains some interesting books. This will grow in time.

[Beatrijs' CV][Wayne's CV][Beatrijs' Page][Wayne's Page][Kirsten's Page][Brendan's Page][Family Name][Family History][Wayne's Bookstore][Links]

Contact us at waynehj@poboxes.com

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NAMIDEF NAMIDEF Logo (Namibian Internet Developement Foundation). NAMIDEF is a non-profit organisation dedicated to spreading the use of the Internet to all parts of Namibia. It was the first ISP in Namibia and achieved this status without outside help, making Namibia the first country outside of South Africa, to achieve this.

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Member of the BrotherHood

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This page © Wayne Harlech-Jones
Last updated 2 February, 2000

The author is a member of
The HTML Writers Guild